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Congrats, Jason! Really excited to see this develop.
Toggle Commented May 25, 2012 on Hypebot Debuts The Upward Spiral Podcast at hypebot
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Brenden, thanks for writing this up and thanks to Hypebot for publishing it. As I tweeted yesterday, this is not something that will be solved by simply changing your icon on Twitter or other social networks. By all means, we should participate in the blackouts that will be happening over the coming weeks. The activities that matter most and will have the greatest impact are calling your representatives and speaking with their offices about why it's important for them to not support SOPA and PIPA. If you're in an area where you can personally visit your representatives, you should request in-person meetings with them. Many organizations like the EFF, Creative Commons, Mozilla, Public Knowledge (disclosure: I'm an advisor) and others are part of The site gives citizens options for real action they can take to help impact whether SOPA and PIPA pass. While it's nice to show our friends that we are against SOPA and PIPA, it's even more important that we not stop there.
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Just to be 100% clear, no data of any kind was lost. The only loss was that we have to restart the community. The awesome tips, tricks and knowledge for our incredible user community will be migrated over to the new community over the coming weeks and months. Have a great Fourth of July holiday, everyone. Cheers, Brad Barrish Operations, Topspin
Toggle Commented Jul 4, 2011 on Topspin Community Forums Hacked at hypebot
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Bradbarrish is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 8, 2010