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Gary Petersen
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Understood, Mike. But please be careful. You said your belief is, in part, due to your experience. Your experience, same as mine and everyone else's, is a woeful substitute for the Word of God in matters of faith. Perhaps there is a Bible-based defense of saying that 1 Corinthians 11 was written only for those who were in Corinth at the time Paul wrote the letter. That was the case, as you stated, in many parts of the Bible. But if there isn't, though, be careful. The consequences of putting anything ahead of God are quite significant. Paul's letter was to the people of Corinth, certainly, but it is part of God's revealed Word that we have today. 2 Timothy 3:16 reads: "All scripture [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:". It is as if the Bible is telling us, "Hey, this has importance beyond the Corinthians." Thanks for posting the code and for your time and thoughts. I do appreciate them. Gary
Thanks for the reply and links, Mike. I think it would be a fair assumption to say that I'm inviting your two cents by my commenting on your weblog. :-) There are absolutely dispensations in the Bible. We're certainly not living in the Garden of Eden any more, just to pick one example. I know Paul taught of things that would go away (1 Corinthians 13:8, for example), but I don't recall that around 1 Corinthians 11. What leads you to believe that doesn't apply any more? Thanks again. Gary
Hey, Mike. Interesting code. It has been so long since I've looked at ads in the newspaper that I suspect they are advertising sexual services and I don't know it. The reason I'm commenting, however, is number 14. "I RECOGNISE decision-making at home is about equality and partnership." seems to be side-stepping the biblical hierarchy in the home defined in 1 Corinthians 11:3, which reads "But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God." 1 Cor 11:3 certainly does not give the husband permission to stomp all over his wife nor does it imply that he should make all decisions without seeking his wife's input. The Bible counsels otherwise, especially in Proverbs 31 and especially there in Proverbs 31:26, which begins "She openeth her mouth with wisdom". But it does clearly define a line of responsibility from God to Christ to the husband to the wife. I think I understand what the intent of that statement is. It just seems to be worded not as well as it could be. I'm not on Facebook, so I can't ask the question there - and I'm not sure that the person who wrote it is on the group any way. A quick glance at the group's page didn't show contact information for him. Do you have any idea who Brian Iselin is or how to contact him? Thanks, Gary
Subsunk: "And there aren't any 4 headed Godzilla fish roaming the White Sea or Barents Sea..." They've been hiding. I mean, come on. Would you want to be seen if you were a 4-headed Godzilla fish? You'd have to be self-conscious as all get-out.
Toggle Commented Feb 16, 2009 on Submarine Collisions at BlackFive
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I suppose, and I'm already hating myself for saying this, you could say the separation of you from your youth continues. :-) Gary
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Hal, I believe you're wrong in your belief that you can lose your salvation by giving it up. I'm going to post on this sometime when I can find an hour or two to do the research I need to do to defend that biblically. Long story short, I believe the Bible shows that salvation is a gift from God - not anything we can do or claim - but rather something God does for us. And man cannot undo what God has done. I'll write about that on my weblog sometime and will post a comment here noting when I have done so. I leave for 10 days out of the country in just over a week, so it might be a spell before I post. Gary
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If you write it, amend it to the existing entry and clearly label it as being from you. Or, so others can't edit the information on your "behalf", put it on a page on your site and point to it. Either way, I'd suggest labeling it as something you added and leaving the rest of the entry alone.
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If you write it, amend it to the existing entry and clearly label it as being from you. Or, so others can't edit the information on your "behalf", put it on a page on your site and point to it. Either way, I'd suggest labeling it as something you added and leaving the rest of the entry alone.
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