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Cindy Sadler
Austin, TX
Mezzo, Director, Author, Educator at
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Recent Activity
Reflections for 2018
How can you reflect on something that hasn't happened yet? You can't, but you can look ahead and dream. You can fantasize about what you want the future to look like, what you want to take with you as you move forward, and what you want to leave behind. What... Continue reading
Posted Dec 28, 2017 at Mezzo with Character
My article on sexual harassment in the classical...
My article on sexual harassment in the classical singing industry has been posted on Classical Singer's blog. You can read it here: The piece was turned in just days before the news on James Levine broke. But we haven't had our house of cards yet ... I think people... Continue reading
Posted Dec 15, 2017 at Mezzo with Character
Toxic masculinity, the sickness of society, and what the theater can do about it
On Sunday, a young white man who had been court-martialed and dishonorably discharged for spousal and child abuse donned tactical gear, grabbed his legally obtained Ruger AR-556 rifle, and murdered 26 men, women, and children in cold blood as they worshiped in their church in tiny South Texas community. The... Continue reading
Posted Nov 8, 2017 at Mezzo with Character
You can make a difference --- me, too
#metoo Sexual harassment and assault are big news at the moment. Apparently it takes a very high profile case, something salacious and gossipy enough to catch the imagination of the public at large, to start a national conversation. It takes a Harvey Weinstein or a Bill Cosby, the very public... Continue reading
Posted Oct 16, 2017 at Mezzo with Character
An artist's duty, an artist's right
Much has been made in the professional music community of the question of who will and will not perform at the Inauguration. Rumors are swirling amid much speculation. We know that Sir Elton John, touted as a headliner early on by the rumor mill, has categorically denied involvement, and while... Continue reading
Posted Dec 21, 2016 at Mezzo with Character
And in despair I bowed my head
And in despair I bowed my head; "There is no peace on earth," I said; For hate is strong, And mocks the song Of peace on earth, good-will to men! Then pealed the bells more loud and deep: "God is not dead, nor doth He sleep; The Wrong shall fail,... Continue reading
Posted Dec 19, 2016 at Mezzo with Character
How to pay an artist with "exposure"
If you have the chutzpah to ask an artist to work for exposure (see also: "free"; "experience"; "no pay but we'll feed you a dry chicken breast and some green beans out of a can that have been sprinkled with almonds to make them look fancy"), be prepared to be... Continue reading
Posted Nov 5, 2016 at Mezzo with Character
What to do when you're injured on set
Stages and rehearsals are dangerous places. Even when all the proper safety precautions are in place, even when you've had appropriate fight training and have been professionally instructed in how to handle a sword or gun or how to strike a colleague without hurting them, even when everyone is well-intentioned... Continue reading
Posted Oct 24, 2016 at Mezzo with Character
The business with a heart of gold
The opera world has a (not entirely undeserved) reputation for being rough. It's a difficult, mean business and we readily eat the unprepared, the thin-skinned, and the naive. We have our share of power-mad authority figures, charlatans, sadists, and jerks. And yet, those people are outnumbered by a population of... Continue reading
Posted Sep 8, 2016 at Mezzo with Character
Surviving famine: 10 tips to help you stay sane & productive when you're not working
One of the hardest things to deal with in the artist's lifestyle is the inconsistency we must live with. Budgeting? Not so easy when you don't know exactly how much money you have coming in, month to month. Longterm plans? Well, go ahead and sign up for that expensive pottery... Continue reading
Posted Aug 20, 2016 at Mezzo with Character
Tidbits from the audition table
Back in the spring, I had the privilege of hearing many, many young singers who came to share their gifts with me in the hopes of being invited to participate in Spotlight on Opera, the professional development program I founded and run. As I talked and listened to them, I... Continue reading
Posted Jun 11, 2016 at Mezzo with Character
Artists, stand up for your own
You know what I'm really, really tired of? I'm tired of young singers who are working hard, trying to to their best, with an inferior toolkit that they paid an enormous amount of money to receive. I'm tired of young singers not being taught and encouraged and supported to have... Continue reading
Posted Mar 23, 2016 at Mezzo with Character
Not Paying - I don't think people do view pay-to-sings as "companies" in the same way they do other producing organizations. However, the singers who run these programs are certainly producers. In the case of Spotlight, we're a bit of a hybrid --- we have a summer training program which is most definitely a pay-to-sing, but at other times of the year we produce a variety of concerts (often semi-staged) using both professional and developing artists, and are working towards being able to pay singers for these consistently.
Fachless Wonder - if you have an ax to grind, perhaps the classy thing to do would be to contact Ms. Wright directly with your complaints, rather than leave anonymous, unsubstantiated rumors on blog posts. Or if you prefer to hash it out publicly, have the courage of your convictions, use your real name, and substantiate your claims.
Vanity or sanity: why we should respect and support singer-producers
"Vanity company" is a derogatory term used to identify opera companies, usually relatively small, which are founded and run by a singer who also performs with the company, often in leading roles. The implication is that the singer in question cannot get work anywhere else, and therefore must cre...
Vanity or sanity: why we should respect and support singer-producers
"Vanity company" is a derogatory term used to identify opera companies, usually relatively small, which are founded and run by a singer who also performs with the company, often in leading roles. The implication is that the singer in question cannot get work anywhere else, and therefore must create his... Continue reading
Posted Feb 19, 2016 at Mezzo with Character
How to be an ambassador for your art
People say the dumbest things to opera singers. “Don’t you just LOVE Josh Groban/Andrea Bocelli/the latest six-year-old cherub being exploited on national tv?” “Why don’t you go on America’s Got Talent?” “Do you sing at the Met? Oh. Well, keep trying.” People ask the dumbest things of opera singers. “Oh... Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2016 at Mezzo with Character
A profane New Year's Resolution
***Language alert: if you're offended by strong language, you might want to avoid this post. *** 2015 had many joys and challenges. What year doesn’t? For me, the joys included my singing work, which included two company debuts and a role debut, many new friends made and reconnections with old... Continue reading
Posted Jan 2, 2016 at Mezzo with Character
When they say you aren't and you can't and you should
Recently, a colleague of mine suffered a very personal blow --- the kind of blow that all too often, artists receive from those who should be among their greatest supporters. A beloved family member told this working artist that they were a failure because not enough of their work came... Continue reading
Posted Oct 31, 2015 at Mezzo with Character
Memory Lane: the farm
When I was three years old, my grandparents bought some land in southeast Travis County. At the time, it was way out back of beyond, a few miles southwest of what was then Bergstrom AirForce Base and is now Austin-Bergstrom International Airport. It was about 100 acres of Texas blackland... Continue reading
Posted Oct 26, 2015 at Mezzo with Character
I personally have been asked for fees by Knoxville and Wichita Grand, and a number of AGMA soloists who sing at both regional and A house levels have given me other names for the list. Although I have no reason to doubt their veracity, I am not publishing this list until I've had a chance to research it myself.
I reject your characterization of this post as whining. Just because fees didn't happen to you doesn't mean they don't happen, and the material has been presented in a fair manner and tone. The mere expression of an opinion you disagree with does not constitute whining.
Us vs Them Part IV: Pros don't pay to play
Just in time for audition season, the controversy over audition fees reasserts itself. This time around, the fuss is over agencies and opera companies charging mainstage, established artists for the privilege of being heard. A few weeks ago, the boards were buzzing with news of several arti...
Hi BN,
I have quite a list of regional companies --- not all small --- based on the reports of various singers. You might be surprised at some of the names on it. However, these names have not yet been independently verified and I wouldn't feel comfortable publishing them until they are.
Us vs Them Part IV: Pros don't pay to play
Just in time for audition season, the controversy over audition fees reasserts itself. This time around, the fuss is over agencies and opera companies charging mainstage, established artists for the privilege of being heard. A few weeks ago, the boards were buzzing with news of several arti...
Us vs Them Part IV: Pros don't pay to play
Just in time for audition season, the controversy over audition fees reasserts itself. This time around, the fuss is over agencies and opera companies charging mainstage, established artists for the privilege of being heard. A few weeks ago, the boards were buzzing with news of several artists' managements --- including... Continue reading
Posted Oct 8, 2015 at Mezzo with Character
#ThisIsOpera, y'all
It's tough to market opera these days. Maybe it's always been, but with social media making it so easy for something innocently meant (or poorly thought out) to incite a brouhaha, it's even harder. Opera is always fighting an image problem. To wit: Opera is for rich people, the tickets... Continue reading
Posted Oct 3, 2015 at Mezzo with Character
Nothing in life is free (especially for singers)
Recently, a young acquaintance --- who has repeatedly asked me for advice --- read a response I'd written to a thread about management, and proceeded to complain to me about a lack of free resources for young singers and (as she perceived it) a lack of quality in the available... Continue reading
Posted Sep 30, 2015 at Mezzo with Character
Shark-proofing for singers
One of the biggest complaints singers have is about how predatory the business is. Education literally costs a small fortune and when you graduate, you are not assured of being marketable as a singer, In fact, if you were unlucky enough to have a poor teacher who trained you in... Continue reading
Posted Sep 6, 2015 at Mezzo with Character
Diary of an Audition Trip
It's the day after my four-week long opera program has ended, with a triumphant production of The Magic Flute and a giant season strike which involves clearing every dirty costume, prop, set piece, and bit of equipment we have used for four weeks of classes, concerts, scenes programs, and three... Continue reading
Posted Aug 19, 2015 at Mezzo with Character
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