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a vat of lemonade
entirely too serious
Interests: everything
Recent Activity
hey Wil Wheaton! I don't know you personally, but you inspire me so much and I love reading your blog. I'm 20, and you've reminded me not to grow up too fast and to really indulge in what you love (as long as you also work hard!), and how important my friends and family are. You probably won't read this comment because it will be buried under a 100 other comments, but just know you've totally been one of the inspirations for some random girl in Texas to live her life in the best way possible! Go you, and I hope your 2011 is even better than your 2010.
Happy New Years :)
Happy New Year. I'm on a boat.
I'm going to be on JoCo Cruise Crazy until January 8. I thought it was kind of important to stay connected, keep Twittering and blogging and Internetting while I was on a boat, but after much deliberation, decided that I will not be purchasing Holland America's Yes, We Use The Whole Fist int...
If this was a facebook status, I would like this so many times. (Well, I'd like it, then unlike it, then like and unlike it again, over and over until you had about 10 notifications telling you how much I like this).
I am now all warm and fuzzy inside from reading this :)
... because we're actually together, not just sitting at the same table.
Ryan was home for Thanksgiving, and as part of Operation Make The Most Out of Having My Entire Family Together for a Few Days, the four of us went out to dinner early Saturday evening. After we put in our drink orders, I got up to wash my hands. On my way to the washroom, I passed a mom and two ...
I think sweaters follow you.
also dude, I can't wait for your episode of the Big Bang Theory to air, or for the next season of the guild to come out (Fawkes! Codex! holy shit!)... if I watched Eureka I probably would be excited for your episode on that too, but I've never seen that show. might check it out just 'cause you've always done roles on interesting shows.
(also at a star trek con last weekend Brent Spiner cast you as Tom Cruise in a hypothetical movie. I don't remember the context of the question though...)
The Circle is Complete
Late last night, we wraped season four of Eureka. During a break in filming, I grabbed Neil Grayston and made one final stupid cellphone video from the set: You can see all my stupid cellphone videos at my YouTube page of stupid videos.
Wait... so you're saying that if I can manage to get at least 300 people together, you'll come to Texas?
of course, I can add wootstick to my list of excuses to go visit a part of the country I've never been to before. hmmm.
w00tstock 2.x is this weekend
Okay, how awesome is that poster? Rich Stevens designed it for us. A T-shirt version will be available at all the 2.x shows, until we sell out of them. So it turns out that w00tstock 2.x kicks off tomorrow with 2.0 in Seattle, and 2.1 on Saturday in Portland. I've been so busy with so many...
er, I meant have a *good* day, although a goo day might be fun too.
It turns out I had a fairly geeky weekend
In an effort to force myself out of this non-creative, unmotivated funk I've been in post-Eureka, I now commence a braindump from this weekend: I pressed the plunger down on my coffee press and tried to clear the sleep from my eyes while Anne put the orange juice back into the fridge. The mornin...
Dear Wil Wheaton,
can I have your life? I'm a poor filthy college student and looking at flooring samples at Home Depot sounds a lot more fun right now than studying for exams. X.X
also, your appearances on the Big Bang Theory are considerably awesome. The friends I watch it with don't know who you are, so they don't understand it when I squee and go "I read that guy's blog!" :-P
anywho, have a goo day.
It turns out I had a fairly geeky weekend
In an effort to force myself out of this non-creative, unmotivated funk I've been in post-Eureka, I now commence a braindump from this weekend: I pressed the plunger down on my coffee press and tried to clear the sleep from my eyes while Anne put the orange juice back into the fridge. The mornin...
Or, there should also be one that's just "Coffee. Black." for Janeway. She's a trooper, I tell ya.
Hey look! It's the Memories of the Futuremug!
It turns out that all this talk about getting excited and making things, uh, got me excited to make something. I don't remember the precise moment this hit me, but I'm pretty sure it happened during one of those times I felt stuck on a story or something, and decided to get out of my office and ...
DUDE. THAT IS THE BEST MUG IDEA EVER. you officially win, Wil Wheaton.
I totally started drinking Earl Grey tea because of Picard (and because that was the only other interesting option at the gas station besides green tea).
I'm so buying this asap.
Hey look! It's the Memories of the Futuremug!
It turns out that all this talk about getting excited and making things, uh, got me excited to make something. I don't remember the precise moment this hit me, but I'm pretty sure it happened during one of those times I felt stuck on a story or something, and decided to get out of my office and ...
aaaaaaah! I missed the episode because I was at work (every monday night... I miss Heroes and Big Bang Theory >:-[ ) Big Bang Theory doesn't seem to show up in full episodes on lame!
I've seen the clips, though, and it looks like it was awesome.
The Creepy Candy Coating Corollary
I'm at w00tstock right now, and I haven't even seen the show, but I thought it would be fun to write a post in advance so anyone who watched The Big Bang Theory tonight would have a place to talk about it. If everything goes according to plan, this should post right as the episode is finishing o...
Hey Wil, just wanted to let you know that I totally sorta kinda started playing D&D because of you! A couple of people that I see during lunch sometimes are starting a D&D game for every other day between classes and at first when they were talking about it I was like "ehh.." but I thought, "hey, this is the game Wil Wheaton plays! hell yea!" So they're helping me make a character and everything. It sounds like a pretty interesting game, the only thing I've ever played that seems similar is Risk, which, besides chess, is my favorite strategy game ever.
Yea. Just wanted to tell you that you inspired another hapless geek to start playing D&D. If my soul is doomed it's all your fault :-P
Wil Wheaton's 2009 Dwarven Dungeon Delve of Doom! Benefitting the Child's Play Charity
I'm about to head out to RinCon, and before I left, I wanted to make sure I let everyone attending know that I'm doing what I think will be a pretty awesome fundraiser for Child's Play while I'm there. First, some history: Way back in the olden days, when 8 bits were enough to blow your mind on ...
Man. I've never had a dog, but I can imagine how this must hurt because pets do become such good friends and they become such a part of our lives.
sorry for your loss... =( I hope the days are sunny for you.
i can't think of a title, so i'll just say thank you
I once had a terrible case of the flu. In addition to the body aches and chills and stuff, I was puking my brains out all over the place all the time. The worst part of it was that it would happen with no warning; one second I was fine, and then I'd suddenly feel my stomach turn, and I'd be thro...
Seriously! I've thought of this too. I wonder if he realizes how much of a voice he has, because all these people are paying attention to him as an actor and now a producer?
I am incredibly curious as to what Z thinks of...
I am incredibly curious as to what Z thinks of this almost manaical outpouring of love and adoration from people all over the world. It's gotta be giving him a terrific rush, but I can't help thinking it also must feel odd to look at all this stuff on his site, seeing what people like best, which...
Wah! What's this, a ZQ community? Cool. I think...
Wah! What's this, a ZQ community? Cool. I think I'm most interested in the projects people here have to share, including ZQ's Before The Door projects. Interesting fun stuff. woo! Continue reading
Posted Jul 27, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
Omg. Before this, I didn't know what the wolf shirt thing was.
Needless to say, I laughed for a very, very long time. I haven't laughed that hard in ages...
when memes collide, we all win
Years from now, our kids are going to ask us about the Wolf Shirt and Keyboard Cat memes and wonder why in the world we cared about them so much. When that day comes, some of us will reach into our dressers, pull out this shirt, and tell our children, "We needed them, so we could have this."
Man, if I coulda seen the stars from my city when I was a kid, I would have loved astronomy that much more. My favorite field trips were to the planetarium; it was just amazing- especially looking at the sun through the little reflector telescope thing they had set up. I never understood constellation maps so I never found constellations, though.
Thank you sooo much for the links!! This is pretty much your coolest blog post EVER.
let's go to the moon
When I was a kid, I read this cool book from National Geographic called Let's Go To The Moon. It was, as you may have figured out, all about the Apollo program, but mostly focused on Apollo 11. I already liked science fiction and astronomy (well, the little-kid-without-a-telescope version of ast...
hear hear!
Well said about this new phenomenon. Yay internet!
the great retweeting madness of 2009
Read in reverse order for maximum silliness and WTFosity. Maybe it's just me, but this was the hardest I've laughed in a long time. Thanks, Gabe.
I didn't watch it when it happened, but I saw the aftermath and thought it was pretty clever. funny too.
I don't understand this RT thing, but everybody seems to be doing it. It's a trend within a trend!
the great retweeting madness of 2009
Read in reverse order for maximum silliness and WTFosity. Maybe it's just me, but this was the hardest I've laughed in a long time. Thanks, Gabe.
Love the Picard song! It's great.
This is a really awesome story, and Patrick Stewart seems like a real gentleman.
to properly commemorate the anniversary of patrick stewart's birth (or: happy birthday, old baldy)
There are two ways that I can commemorate Patrick Stewart's birthday, today. The first: And the second, which comes in two parts. The first part should illustrate how awesome Patrick is, and why I like him so much. The second part should remove any lingering doubt. This is from Chapter Sev...
afterthought- I guess that was sort of off-topic. I started out thinking about CG, and how we can basically create awesome stuff for afree at home where 50 years ago no one could make it, even in a studio with a million dollars.
end user: greetings from the future of filmmaking
I took a few minutes away from working on Leverage and writing my short stories to turn in an End User column that's all about some of the stuff that's been on my mind since I started working on Leverage: I’m in Portland, Oregon, shooting an episode of TNT’s prime time drama, Leverage. Just abo...
I love living in the future. I love the fact that our cell phones are more advanced than Captain Kirk's handheld communicator, and that I, as highschool graduate, could totally create a commbadge if I felt like putting in the time and money.
I was reading a PC gamers magazine the other day, and it was an issue dedicated to awesome free games on line. What astonished me was that there was also a section for free game creation software- stuff you can download from the internet and create pretty decent games and grpahics(if you put in the right ammount of time, of course).
And then today i was looking at a timeline of CG evolution in the entertainment industry, starting from the first tube to today's iphone and Transformers movie, and there was one point on the timeline for the first video game ever. It wasn't Pong, but Spacewar! made in 1961, and it was made by a couple of students who put 200 hours into creating these little pixel lines on rudimentary computer machinary stuff- and i realized i could make the exact same game by using Adobe flash for free at my school, and complete it in a couple of hours.
Not to mention, physicists already know how to theoretically travel backward and forward in time, and scientist are tapping more and more into psychological nuances that can help to create better and more real AI...
It's crazy stuff..
end user: greetings from the future of filmmaking
I took a few minutes away from working on Leverage and writing my short stories to turn in an End User column that's all about some of the stuff that's been on my mind since I started working on Leverage: I’m in Portland, Oregon, shooting an episode of TNT’s prime time drama, Leverage. Just abo...
ooh! You should do a guest appearance in the show 4400! That would be so cool.
LEVERAGE: day five
"It is with a heavy heart that we bid farewell to Wil Wheaton," the assistant director said. I threw my hands up in the air and yelled into the sky: "NOOOOOOO!!!" I sadly rode back in the van to base camp, packed up my stuff, said my goodbyes, and took my time walking through downtown back to my...
I think instead of watching the entire series, I'll just catch the one episode when it's on, if I can.
I did watch Americanizing Shelley because of Wil Wheaton's appearance in it, and I ended up liking the movie itself. You're great promotion!
LEVERAGE: day five
"It is with a heavy heart that we bid farewell to Wil Wheaton," the assistant director said. I threw my hands up in the air and yelled into the sky: "NOOOOOOO!!!" I sadly rode back in the van to base camp, packed up my stuff, said my goodbyes, and took my time walking through downtown back to my...
I read this story the other day(and it was great), and then the next night I had a dream that zombies were invading everyhere, and the only way to escape them was to ride rollercoasters because the zombie's limbs couldn't hold against the extreme velocity, and alot of people were eaten or turned into zombies. At the very end, I became a zombie but it was at the exact moment the antivenom was found and I survived.
and you were in it! You were actually just one of the extras, running around screaming in the background, in the vicinity of a large english duke who was trying to protect his mansion from the zombie apocolypse. I think you were eaten.
anyway. have a nice day!
an all too familiar scene
Sitting in my office, my brain is in that weird writer's fugue where time blurs and I take -10 to all my passive perception checks. I realize that my dog, who has spent much of the day at my feet, doing everything she can to capture my attention, isn't there. I'm not sure how long it's been sinc...
Hey Wil Wheaton!
I was browsing this very funny website today, and you were at the bottom of this page:
It seems like you like to know where you are on the internet, so here it is... please tell me it's not creepy that I looked at it and thought, "hey look, that's Wil Wheaton. I wonder if he knows about it?"
and, I still don't get D&D.
in which i find something unexpected during a Journey Through The Silver Caves
This weekend, I had a last-minute change in plans, and discovered that I had the free time to go play in World Wide D&D Game Day, which was set up by Wizards of the Coast to promote the release of the Monster Manual 2. I went to my friendly local game shop, where I was able to join a session tha...
Oregon Trail = Awesome
I once ate a little butter ball at a restaraunt just to see if I could stand it, and it was the worst two minutes of my life.
Butter on everything else, however, is quite the opposite.
John Scalzi interviews a stick of butter
Because, really, why wouldn't you interview a stick of butter?
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