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Dennis Byron
Dennis Byron is a former SHIP volunteer certified by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to answer questions about Medicare. He's also a Medicare subscriber.
Recent Activity
When will the left stop lying... about "Medicare for all?" This far left California Congressperson supposedly1 said: “Medicare is far, far more efficient than private insurance companies. Using the tax system to collect money for healthcare delivery is extremely efficient. No profits. No commissions. No advertising.” Is this Congressperson really... Continue reading
Posted Aug 15, 2017 at theabcsofmedicare
When will the left stop lying... ... about lack of health insurance causing "Tens of Thousands of Deaths" among Americans under age 65 per year? Happily there are relatively few (compared to the U.S. population of over 300,000,000) deaths related to any cause among Americans under age 65 per year1:... Continue reading
Posted Aug 14, 2017 at theabcsofmedicare
Wow, this Advisory Board article is full of total non sequiturs in addition to the usual liberal nonsense about Medicare. The Advisory Board is a left wing crony capitalism group that supposedly does economics research. If this article is any indication, its economists flunked Economics 101. The article begins: “Although... Continue reading
Posted Aug 11, 2017 at theabcsofmedicare
A very revealing article is currently appearing on Health Affairs. This article is a devastating indictment – by three second-string leftists — of both the left’s failing 5-year-old healthcare financing program for the poor and the left’s failing 50-year-old Original Medicare program (which was — at least initially — for... Continue reading
Posted Aug 10, 2017 at theabcsofmedicare
On August 7, the New York Times continued its decades-long attack on the idea that seniors should have a choice in the kind of Medicare they use: fee for service or capitated fee. The article was titled deceitfully "Medicare Advantage Spends Less on Care, So Why Is It Costing So... Continue reading
Posted Aug 8, 2017 at theabcsofmedicare
Three left-wing entrepreneurs -- who have "invested" in a 2015 start-up that wants to take advantage of the Obama administration's "big data" initiatives -- have found that public Part C Medicare Advantage plans are more "efficient" than traditional Medicare. Whether efficiency is even a good way to measure health insurance... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2016 at theabcsofmedicare
I have been bothered by some statistics in an article by Sam Wood on concerning how many people did not sign up for Part B when first eligible and therefore pay a penalty on top of their Part B premium once they do sign up. Wood dug up the... Continue reading
Posted Aug 4, 2016 at theabcsofmedicare
"Medicare costs are rising faster than projected revenues. Action to close the emerging deficit is inescapable. We propose converting Medicare from a “service reimbursement” system to a “premium support” system (underline added by blogger). These changes would resemble many that are now reshaping private employer-based insurance. Our reform would encompass... Continue reading
Posted Aug 3, 2016 at theabcsofmedicare
The original 1995 (proposal)-1997 (passage) intent was that public Part C Medicare health plan spending per person would be 5% less than spending on Medicare fee for service (FFS) beneficiaries. That's when Part C was supposed to be just HMOs and that was how HMOs worked in the real world,... Continue reading
Posted Aug 2, 2016 at theabcsofmedicare
As we close in on another annual election period for Medicare Parts C and D (begins October 15, 2016), watch out for Looney Left Lie 41 (see Note). It's one of the left's favorite attacks on public Part C health plans (the most popular of which is called Medicare Advantage... Continue reading
Posted Jul 30, 2016 at theabcsofmedicare
We may soon see a new estimate from the Medicare Office of the Actuary -- based on a new way of analyzing Medicare spending first released as part of a special deal it did for the Associated Press (AP) on July 24 relative to Part D Medicare spending. If it... Continue reading
Posted Jul 29, 2016 at theabcsofmedicare
The Pot Party1 wing of the Democratic Party is spreading huge lies about a simple 2015-2016 rule passed on Wednesday January 7 by the United States House of Representatives. Senator Warren, the AARP, B'nai Brith (for some odd reason), the Boston Globe and others are entitled to their far left... Continue reading
Posted Jan 10, 2015 at theabcsofmedicare
What if you had to buy one automobile insurance policy to fix any accidental damage to the outside of your car that needed to be repaired at an auto body shop and another policy for any internal damage caused by an accident that had to be fixed by a mechanic... Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2015 at theabcsofmedicare
Actually it's old news. I think the Boston Globe ran this story in October 2014. For sure it was covered back then by the Harvard Crimson? But the New York Times is having fun January 5, 2015 poking fun at... Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2015 at Massachusetts Health Stats
It is not true that you should always take Medicare Part B. It is probably true that most people should take it but the Medicare beneficiary demographics are starting to change radically because of the continuing increase in the Social Security full retirement age so all the old rules are... Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2015 at theabcsofmedicare
2015 marks the 50th anniversary of the passage of Medicare and the 80th for Social Security. It would be nice to use 2015 to explain to those that are under age 50 the history and philosophy behind both programs as well as to make sure that those born after Medicare... Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2015 at theabcsofmedicare
The far-left-wing Marketwatch website is constantly carrying water for the far left wing Medicare Rights Center, the Democratic Party's "Seniors are Stupid" lobby. This recent post talked about a poorly done Medicare Rights Center poll that claimed seniors were having all kinds of problems understanding Medicare. Follow the poll's numbers... Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2015 at theabcsofmedicare
Now that the Part C/Part D so-called open enrollment period is over (but you can still unenroll in Part C through Valentines Day), let's go back to the question last visited in September 2014: “When to sign up for a Medicare supplement?” The easy answer is to sign up for... Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2015 at theabcsofmedicare
Do you need to sign up for Medicare or Medicare Part B because you were not automatically enrolled at age 65 (likely because so-called Social Security full retirement age is now 66 and still going up and you have insurance through the job you are still working at)? Now is... Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2015 at theabcsofmedicare
It's hard to follow all the numbers the Massachusetts Health Connector Authority is broadcasting this month but they really do not matter because they represent such a small part of the Massachusetts total that they do not even show up... Continue reading
Posted Dec 27, 2014 at Massachusetts Health Stats
I saw an attack on pharamacy benefits managers recently by something called the "60 Plus" group. My first reaction in reading this was that “60 Plus” was one of those typical fly-by-night front groups, in this case set up by the “1950s pharmacists’” lobby – which believe it or not... Continue reading
Posted Dec 16, 2014 at theabcsofmedicare
This post on ABC News web site is a surprisingly good explanation of Medicare's complexity given that ABC's is a left wing web site. The one major thing that might be misleading in this article is the explanation of the difference between the A/B/D/private-Medigap option vs. the A/B/C option. The... Continue reading
Posted Dec 16, 2014 at theabcsofmedicare
Attention United States Seniors: The incoming Republican chairperson of the House Budget Committee has said he plans to include the latest version of the bipartisan Medicare reform proposal co-authored by Democrat Ron Wyden in 2011 -- and released three years ago this week -- in the Budget Committee's proposed FY2016... Continue reading
Posted Dec 15, 2014 at theabcsofmedicare
I was involved in a respectful set of back and forth comments recently on a wonky healthcare web site. We were discussing Original Medicare vs. Medicare Advantage, primarily -- on my part -- that Original Medicare is mispositiond as an alternative to when it is really the ante for all... Continue reading
Posted Dec 13, 2014 at theabcsofmedicare
The Boston Globe, Associated Press -- and reportedly members of the Massachusetts Association of Health Insurance Plans -- is all atwitter the week of December 14 over the fact that no one allegedly is actually signing up for and paying... Continue reading
Posted Dec 13, 2014 at Massachusetts Health Stats