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Crafty Scientist
Interests: I love reading, sewing, quilting, knitting, crocheting, cooking, and watching Letterman.
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Mar 15, 2010
Anne, I'm so excited! You can certainly put a note about it on your blog. I don't mind if it's international. Postage isn't that much more, and I think it will make things more interesting.
Calling all Wanna-Bee's (ha!)
I love being a part of the quilting bee. I love it so much, in fact, that I've decided to start another. I've decided to make it an open call instead of inviting people, so if you are interested in joining up you can click on this link and join the Flickr group. I'm trying to ke...
Thank you SO MUCH, ladies!
Vanessa: I forgot I put a gnome on my blue and orange quilt too! Must be my calling card :)
Thank you all so much for the compliments.
The Bean Quilt
It is finally done. After months and months of making thousads of tiny stitches, the Bean Quilt is complete! This is probably the most beautiful quilt I have ever made, and I am so proud to be giving it to my little niece. As soon as I found out that my sister was expecting her first chi...
As I am so tall and lanky, I am sure I would become a were-giraffe.
a little chat with Wendy & a book giveaway
When I was reading over this new book I was thinking how rad it would be to actually ask Wendy some questions. So I did. And she was kind enough to respond. At the end of this interview are instructions on how to get a chance to win a copy of Wendy's newest sewing book, Dresses—enjoy and goo...
Howfunny!We gave thisquilt a second theme without realizingit.
To: [email protected]
The January Block
Actually, made in February. The fabric came in strips, so I just used them as is to make an uneven long cabin, as was the request. Actually, I believe the request was "wonky," but I think that was open to interpretation :) I added the little elephant in the middle from my own stash. I th...
My goodness, that all depends on my dedication. I hand quilted a larger quilt and it took me about 72 hours total. Smaller crib quilts take about 24 hours total. So somewhere in between??? It's totally worth it, though, and I find it very relaxing :)
Bento for Two
I made the blocks a long time ago and finally got around to making the quilt tops. I was going to make one big quilt, but the size of it intimidated me! So I cut it down to two naptime quilts. Something perfect for cuddling up on the couch or throwing on top of the bed on a particularly chill...
Thank you, ladies! I do know what I'll be sending out. I'm very excited about it. I kept changing my mind about the theme, but I've finally settled on something and I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with :)
Zonnah sent out her fabrics for month of the quilting bee: a pretty vintage looking floral, yellow, orange, and red. This quilt will be for her sister, and the theme is circles and curves. Circles I can do! And since she sent so much fabric I'm actually making two blocks. If she doesn't want...
No kidding! Or at least keep what little is left. What are you studying?
The Dress is Finished!
I had a lot of last minute changes and corrections to do on my paper which took up a lot of my time, so unfortunately I was not able to finish the entire wardrobe I wanted to enter in the ASG contest. But I did finish the Ink Blot dress! So I entered it in a different category and sent it off ...
I LOVE Winifred!!! I need to dye my hair blue and befriend a butterfly, now.
Love your blog!
winifred, originally uploaded by Hillary Lang. And this is Winifred, another member of the new Patchwork Set. She is more of a passive naturalist than camper Fern and prefers to hang out on her quilt and let nature come to her.
I only get to see my mom about every six months, and the first thing I do when I see her is put my face to her neck and breath deep. Her mom smell is that of caring and loving and always having a comfy place to sleep and good food to eat. Moms smell like home, even if you haven't lived with them for a long time.
FOE waistband and thoughts about stuff.
I made these lightweight pants for Sadie last week when we had sun. We no longer have sun, by the way. These are made of bamboo! From Fabric Depot! I had no idea they had bamboo, hemp, and organic cottons there. I also made a chocolate brown pair in organic cotton jersey that is just dreamy. T...
I know what you mean about needing that fabric in your life. I recently added a few bits of it (in blue) to a quilt for my bed. The rest I am hoarding for later.
I also just signed up for the swap, I'm really looking foreward to it!
easy comfy skirt
There have been better photos on this blog. I could have used an iron and that is baby food there on the wall and floor. But let's not focus on that, or the outlet behind my right leg. Let's look at this skirt I made from this fabric I have had for about 6 months. I finally decided to cut it, ...
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