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Educator, mama to two small ones, unabashed lover of tree climbing, striped socks, salty chocolate and snow days. Creator of Alphabet Glue, an e-magazine for families.
Interests: I am a longtime Northern California girl, now unexpectedly making a home in the Boston area. I sew a little, knit a bit more than that, and bake compulsively. This is a little more complicated than it used to be, as our family is learning to live gluten-free after our daughter's recent celiac diagnosis. I am a gardener, an unapologetic multi-tasker, an enthusiastic tidepooler and an armchair ornithologist. I'm doing my very best to raise my children to see the value in being fiercely independent in spirit, and community minded in practice.
Recent Activity
I think that I ordered them from this place:
Toggle Commented Mar 18, 2017 on Tutorial: Easy Pocket Pouch. at Bird and Little Bird
1 reply
How wonderful! I believe that I got the snaps here:
Toggle Commented Mar 18, 2017 on Tutorial: Easy Pocket Pouch. at Bird and Little Bird
1 reply
Oh, gosh- certainly! Have fun :)
Toggle Commented Mar 18, 2017 on Tutorial: Easy Pocket Pouch. at Bird and Little Bird
1 reply
It should work just fine!
1 reply
106? You need to move again!
Toggle Commented Jun 11, 2014 on First Harvest. at Bird and Little Bird
1 reply
Toggle Commented Jun 11, 2014 on First Harvest. at Bird and Little Bird
1 reply
I hadn't been, and put down a thick layer of compost last week. They do seem a little bit better now, so I'm feeling hopeful! You know that they say that if you go out and get rid of every snail that you can find three nights in a row you should be able to get them all :)
Toggle Commented Jun 11, 2014 on First Harvest. at Bird and Little Bird
1 reply
That is what I want- enough beets for salads!
Toggle Commented Jun 11, 2014 on First Harvest. at Bird and Little Bird
1 reply
It's starting to seem like maybe it was a nutritional deficit of some kind. I put a bunch of compost down as mulch, and the other beets seem to be doing a little bit better now. Fingers crossed!
Toggle Commented Jun 11, 2014 on First Harvest. at Bird and Little Bird
1 reply
Right? I planted my stuff way too close together and then have been making salads as I thin plants :) Totally my go-to strategy from now on!
Toggle Commented Jun 11, 2014 on First Harvest. at Bird and Little Bird
1 reply
I'm pleased to report that things are going remarkably well on the garden front. For the past few years, I've had community garden plots which are great for purposes of growing space and peeking at what other people are up... Continue reading
Posted Jun 5, 2014 at Bird and Little Bird
As it turns out, today is the day that my puppy is not really a puppy any longer. Miso the dog turns two today. It should be noted that I am not a dog person. Or, perhaps more accurately, I... Continue reading
Posted Jun 3, 2014 at Bird and Little Bird
So. That took a bit longer than expected. Being busy with things like chaperoning middle school trips to our nation's capitol and what not, I wasn't super on top of what was happening with the whole Typepad fiasco. But when... Continue reading
Posted May 7, 2014 at Bird and Little Bird
Hi all! As you may have noticed things have been a bit out of whack here on the blog for the last week or so. Apparently, Typepad is having some internal server issues that have affected many of the blogs... Continue reading
Posted Apr 28, 2014 at Bird and Little Bird
A couple of weeks ago, I ran the New York City half-marathon with my little sister, who lives in Manhattan not far from Central Park. We fueled up on significant quantities of Mexican food the night before, and arose at... Continue reading
Posted Mar 30, 2014 at Bird and Little Bird
So, things got busy and I disappeared from the Interwebs almost entirely for some days, and now I am sort of back, but have nothing to show for my time away aside from a photo of a dock in Maine... Continue reading
Posted Mar 12, 2014 at Bird and Little Bird
I will! Soon. I've just been crazy busy with family vacation, moving apartments, and studying for my Mass. teacher licensing exams. I'm hoping to be back this week though :)
1 reply
Thank you, Caroline. I am staying in Belmont. I moved to a new place a few weeks ago, but am hoping I can just stay put for at least the next year or two!
1 reply
I had originally planned to try to work on my new quilt some each day, the way that I did with the last one that I made. That worked out well; the piecing work never felt overwhelming and I developed... Continue reading
Posted Feb 17, 2014 at Bird and Little Bird
Hi all! As is my custom, I made you a set of downloadable Valentine's Day cards again this year. But then I spent the day today running around to various places and things, including a cermonial procession at the girl's... Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2014 at Bird and Little Bird
Thanks so much to all of you for your enthusiasm about the book! Dawn and I are so very, very excited about the project, and the fact that you all are as well just makes it all the more fun... Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2014 at Bird and Little Bird
As some of you might have already guessed, I kind of like projects. And to be busy. And to make stuff. And do things. And, when it gets quiet here, it is often because I am making and doing things... Continue reading
Posted Jan 28, 2014 at Bird and Little Bird
It took just a bit longer than I was hoping, mostly due to things like busy toddlers, but I am pleased to report that the newest installment of Alphabet Glue is ready at long last. Dawn jumped in with both... Continue reading
Posted Jan 23, 2014 at Bird and Little Bird
Well. It has taken just a little bit longer than promised, but I did want to poke my head through the door here and let you all know that Volume Sixteen of Alphabet Glue is mere minutes from being finished.... Continue reading
Posted Jan 22, 2014 at Bird and Little Bird
If I were going to write a book about quilting,* it would be called something like The Lazy Girl's Guide to Making Quilts and Stuff. It would be about two pages long, and both of them would be dedicated to... Continue reading
Posted Jan 16, 2014 at Bird and Little Bird