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Mike Albo
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This may explain why the "new" editor doesn't work, since the garbage editor tool in several Wordpress group blogs we work with is one of the big reasons we've never seriously considered switching.
1 reply
Same with us. When we paste ordinary YouTube embed code into HTML view and save the draft, the video is there. But when you go back to the rich text view to continue working and then save the draft again, the editor re-writes the video embed code into useless nonsense: the video is gone from both rich text view and the post preview. Here's what YouTube gives us (which works): [Note: removed all "angle-brackets" to get code to display here] object width="640" height="385" param name="movie" value="" /param param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /param param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /param embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="385" /embed /object Here's what your wonderful new editor takes it upon itself to change the above into (which does not work at all): [Note: removed all "angle-brackets" to get code to display here] object width="425" height="344" param name="movie" value="" / param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" / param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" / /object As so many have pointed out above, the new editor simply does not work for many of the most vital parts of blogging. Please -- at the very least -- make it OUR option whether to adopt this, since it's critical piece of our business.
1 reply
Same with us. When we paste ordinary YouTube embed code into HTML view and save the draft, the video is there. But when you go back to the rich text view to continue working and then save the draft again, the editor re-writes the video embed code into useless nonsense: the video is gone from both rich text view and the post preview. Here's what YouTube gives us (which works): Here's what your wonderful new editor takes it upon itself to change the above into (which does not work at all): As so many have pointed out above, the new editor simply does not work for many of the most vital parts of blogging. Please -- at the very least -- make it OUR option whether to adopt this, since it's critical piece of our business.
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Mike Albo is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Mike Albo added a photo at mmmeow
Here's my Wabby, resident Queen of the house approving 'her' blog post.
Nov 12, 2009