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It's the Life
Wife of 1 - Mother of 1
Recent Activity
Now that Halloween is behind us, it's time to start thinking Christmas! I have a new advent tutorial I am working on for this year, but it is not quite ready yet. In the mean-time, I thought I would take... Continue reading
Posted Nov 6, 2014 at It's the Life
I had a bunch of squares left over from the Halloween pillowcase I made for my 9 year old, so I decided to make a Trick or Treat basket out of them. I thought it turned out really cute. I... Continue reading
Posted Oct 18, 2014 at It's the Life
It has been almost a year since my last blog post! I am excited to be back and feel ready to bring this blog back to life! How about a little sewing tutorial to start things off? Don't you love... Continue reading
Posted Sep 14, 2014 at It's the Life
It's fall! My most favorite time of year. A few months ago my mom gave us a food dehydrator and we have been drying everything we can. I am not, however, a big fan of dried apples. I think they... Continue reading
Posted Nov 5, 2013 at It's the Life
Kelsey- I'm not sure why it would be oily. Did you use a pressure cooker or a crockpot? Maybe you lost too much moisture. I'm sorry I'm not more help! Andrea
Toggle Commented Nov 6, 2013 on Café Zupas Tomato Basil Soup at It's the Life
Thank you Jenci and Marcie! I am glad you were able to make these invitations. Marcie- Your files are fantastic!
Jackie- I actually made them. I googled for the image and then printed it onto clear labels. It's not a very good quality image, but it worked for the kids. Andrea
Kim- I hope you like it! Let me know how it is.
Toggle Commented Jul 19, 2013 on Café Zupas Tomato Basil Soup at It's the Life
Cathy- The file is a pdf so the images and words are not able to move around. You should make sure your printer settings are set to print one pdf page to one printed page. I opened it here and printed and it worked.
Toggle Commented Jul 17, 2013 on Skylander Giants Birthday Party at It's the Life
Rose- I just got the paint at my local craft store. Michaels. You can get it in the craft section of Walmart as well.
Heather- You put a drop or two of food coloring in the bottom of a mason jar. Then you put a spoonful of baking soda over the top. Give each kid a jar. Fill small glasses or shot glasses with vinegar and tell the kids that it is magic liquid. They think it is the clear liquid that changes the color of the baking soda. When they pour the vinegar onto the baking soda, it fizzes and bubbles. Each jar will be the color of the food coloring in the bottom of the jar. Thanks everyone for your kind words! I hope you all have great parties!!
Toggle Commented Jul 13, 2013 on Skylander Giants Birthday Party at It's the Life
Liz- The eyeballs are just an image I found on the internet. I just googled "eyeball" and then printed the image out on a 8.5 x 11 paper and cut them out. I then glued them to the poster.
Toggle Commented Jul 13, 2013 on Skylander Giants Birthday Party at It's the Life
This year, my son wanted to have a Skylander Giants birthday party. I'm sure all you ladies out there with a young son have a house full of these by now. I might have to sell my house to support... Continue reading
Posted Jun 9, 2013 at It's the Life
A few years ago I was introduced to a waffle, an amazing waffle. A waffle to ruin any other waffle. It was at a place downtown Salt Lake City called Bruges Waffles & Frites. The owner and chef is from... Continue reading
Posted Apr 7, 2013 at It's the Life
I have been trying to find a tomato soup recipe that I love for...forever. I have tried canned tomatoes, fresh tomatoes, roasted, sun dried, etc etc. Always disappointed. Always. I do love the tomato basil soup at Café Zupas and... Continue reading
Posted Feb 14, 2013 at It's the Life
For my birthday this year, I decided to go with the Valentines Day theme. My actual birthday is the day before Valentines, so I'm used to having lots of red & pink around. When I was a kid I used... Continue reading
Posted Feb 10, 2013 at It's the Life
I had this tutorial all ready to post and then...I forgot to post it. I realize it's now January, but I'm going to post it anyway. I wanted to hang three wreaths in my kitchen window, but every wreath I... Continue reading
Posted Jan 22, 2013 at It's the Life
I had a request to make a couple dolls from The Nutcracker. I think they turned out so cute! Clara: (photos taken in the evening, the quality isn't great) I made her in her nightgown and long underwear. Sugar Plum... Continue reading
Posted Dec 15, 2012 at It's the Life
Felicita- My brother-in-law used a foam board and painted the shark face. It is fantastic! He did an awesome job. Andrea
Toggle Commented Nov 30, 2012 on Shark Party at It's the Life
Somyyah- I have not tried it with the green tea, but I imagine it would be delicious. If you try it, let me know how it turns out! Andrea
Toggle Commented Nov 30, 2012 on Passion Fruit & Lemon Tea at It's the Life
My store is up and ready to go! To thank all of my readers I am issuing a 15% coupon code for orders through Nov 16th. Coupon code: GRANDOPENING. Click HERE to shop! Continue reading
Posted Nov 11, 2012 at It's the Life
...and the winner is... Little Orphan Andy's! Congratulations Sydney! Please contact me and we can work out the details of your new doll! Thanks to everyone who contributed ideas for my store. Please watch your inbox for a special coupon... Continue reading
Posted Nov 6, 2012 at It's the Life
Thank you for your votes! The winner will be announced tomorrow, Nov 5th! Continue reading
Posted Oct 30, 2012 at It's the Life
Christy- I just used acrylic paints, so I didnt put liquid in them. I didnt want paint to come off in the kids mouths. -Andrea
Mari- Once I make my pitcher of tea, I dont add any more water. I just mix the tea, lemonade and add sweetener. I hope you enjoy! -Andrea
Toggle Commented Oct 24, 2012 on Passion Fruit & Lemon Tea at It's the Life