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Posted Aug 18, 2016 at Christie's blog
Hi Jeltje! Thanks for getting in touch. At present we dont have the Ängby sofa bed in our range but if youd like to see it added, the best thing to do is write in to our customer service reps and let them know. You can reach them at customerservice[at]bemz[dot]com. They file all requests and the product most requested by our customers get bumped up the line and launched earlier. Also, if you sign up for our newsletter on our website ( you can be kept up to date of any new items added to our collection. Good luck!
Toggle Commented Jan 20, 2010 on Sofa workshop at It's a cover-up
Thanks for the positive feedback!
[Christie from Bemz] Alexandra Mattsson of Sweden has mix and matched Jet Black ( with designer fabric Josephine- Graphite Grey by Göta Trädgårdh ( This mix is not presently available in our Mix and Match palette so I believe Alexandra must have sewn that up herself! Pretty impressive.
Toggle Commented Apr 27, 2009 on March entries to our competition at It's a cover-up
[Christie from Bemz] Hi Renate! Thanks for your feedback. I appreciate you taking the time to let us know what you want - that's exactly what we are after! I'll include all your requests in the final tally. And if anyone else wants to vote for more than one, perhaps pick the last option "Other" and list the combinations you are after (a, b, c and/or d), or like Renate, leave a comment.
Toggle Commented Mar 26, 2009 on Help choose our Fall Collection at It's a cover-up
[Christie from Bemz] Thanks you to you too Mrs Wacky! Mixing patterns on different pieces of furniture may seem wacky but it really works. Have a look at Lisbeth's house in the January post "Please come in... Lisbeth's home" and you'll see the stunning results this wacky approach can have. You may be wacky, but you've got taste!
Toggle Commented Mar 3, 2009 on Individuality rules! at It's a cover-up