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James Morris
Recent Activity
Interesting comment in a Pulse article on what the overall GMC contract changes mean for GPs. On the DES changes, the GPC said:
'We have achieved a reduced burden on GP practices.'
How much of the notion of Primary Care 'burden' is hindering good IBA etc?
GP 'brief intervention' incentive for new patients to end - a blow for IBA?
General Practice will no longer be incentivised to deliver 'Identification and Brief Advice' (IBA) for new patients from April next year following changes announced to the General Medical Services (GMS) contract. Instead of the alcohol Direct Enhanced Service (DES) funding, NHS Employers states...
James Morris is now following James Morris
May 4, 2010
James Morris is now following James Morris
Apr 18, 2010
The government didn't launch the drinkaware campaign, the industry did. The government leads the 'Know you limits' campaings which are seperate. But many health experts are critical as the evidence for capmaigns is limited, but other measures, such as minimum pricing, are proven to make a difference. The government decsisions come down to what is more politically popular though.
see this story for more:
Britain's binge drinkers are mapped out
TODAY we reveal the true scale of the UK’s binge-drinking epidemic — and young Geordies and Brummies come out best. Our map of shame charts the percentage of 18 to 24-year-olds who admit they drink more than a worrying ELEVEN units of alcohol on an average night out with friends. Based on D...
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