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I'm a full time nurse practitioner by day and a full time mommy every hour of the day!
Interests: altered art, card making, love, love the uh warriors. i grew up watching all uh sports with my daddy and now my children are doing the same with me!, i'm a mixed media artist and i love all paper crafts including: scrapbooking, and mixed media. i am a huge sports fanatic! my favorite sport is college football and i love
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Mar 15, 2010
Thank you so much for taking time to make this awesome video. And on another totally unrelated note - Your nail polish absolutely ROCKS!!!!!!! haha Love and hugs, jenn
1 reply
What a great, great sketch; it's so versatile. How do you keep up with all the stuff that you do? You're my idol. Supper mommy!!! BTW, hope you had a happy mommy's day!!!!
Toggle Commented May 19, 2009 on Friday Sketch! (May 15/09) at Prairie Paper & Ink
1 reply
What a great, great sketch; it's so versatile. How do you keep up with all the stuff that you do? You're my idol. Supper mommy!!! BTW, hope you had a happy mommy's day!!!!
Toggle Commented May 19, 2009 on Friday Sketch! (May 15/09) at Prairie Paper & Ink
1 reply
BTW, I forgot to answer your question on how I get the color on the nestibilities tags. I stamp the image on paper first. Then I try and center the image in the nestibilities. After I cut out the tag I keep the paper in the die. I use a round stylus and emboss the edges from behind. Then I flip the die (with the paper still in it) over. Lastly, I use my light colors and color the raised surface with my COpic using the die as a stencil to keep me from coloring the edge of the tag. Did that make sense? Maybe I'll do a tutorial. Anyway, email me if you have questions. haha
Hey, girl! You did an awesome job! I'm sooo excited to be working with you as well. Sorry, I didn't visit sooner, but I've been really busy with work and school and... well you know, life. Anyhoo, I love your work; I think you've got such a clean and finished style. I'm so excited about the upcoming year AND to be working with and getting to know you as well. Hugs to you! Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful! Smoochies, jenn