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Luci Weston
HWA is an online community where busy women unite to share tips, trends, and thoughts about living life with style as they fulfill their dreams.
Interests: travel, food, word puzzles, reading, writing, decorating, yoga...not necessarily in this order!
Recent Activity
Hello & welcome to the last official Here We Are post! After over 11 years of blogging from the HWA platform, it's time for my journey to take a different better, brighter, easier path. That threshold has always been the first consideration in creating all that you have read, listened to, and watched over... Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2020 at Here We Are...with Luci
Oh no! Sounds like the zipper definitely is the culprit, that's one of the reasons why I suggest a pillowcase with a tie... Nothing to snap the fibers. I wouldn't even use a net bag, try the pillowcase. I think the netting might rub the sweater in spots creating tension on the fibers. Cashmere is wool but it is more delicate. Good luck on your next sweater washing. Thanks for commenting, it's good for others to know what not to do!
1 reply
Yesterday, I saw this pumpkin patch and had to stop to photograph it. It was the perfect first day of autumn, and the color of these pumpkins reminded me that even though summer is officially over, the new season brings beautiful, vibrant experiences. This got me thinking about how day-to-day minutia and obligations get... Continue reading
Posted Sep 24, 2019 at Here We Are...with Luci
You are so welcome, and thank you for your comment. It's great to get feedback. I, too, hope it helps spread kindness around like confetti!!
1 reply
Thanks so much! That's what I like to hear. Always working on new articles :)
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Absolutely! Good guidelines to follow, thanks!
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HI Joyce! Sorry for the delay, somehow I missed this comment. Glad to read it and your experience. Thank you for sharing -- I can't remember if I knew that would happen and that is why I put it as a "filling" of coconut. BUT either way, this is a good reminder. I will update the article, too. Thanks again! Have a wonderful summer of tasty treats and sunshine. :)
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This was not the scheduled post, and if you are a regular reader of Here We Are you know that I stay away from all things political. This article is not a political statement, but it is a suggestion that kindness in all matters will win the day. There is a reason we have... Continue reading
Posted Jul 17, 2019 at Here We Are...with Luci
If you have a dishwasher, then you know that after a while an odor occurs that the dishes emit. The dishwasher looks clean after a full cycle, but the cups and bowls have a distinct stink! Then you waste water re-running a full load that was supposed to be clean. After a second wash,... Continue reading
Posted May 13, 2019 at Here We Are...with Luci
Hi Lynn, Oh, I hope so, too. I get the phone thing for kids but boundaries of usage are key. Like all things, I guess it's balance. Thank you sharing!
1 reply
Thank you. So many uses for this fabulous resource!
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