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Recent Activity
If you need any help re the cdn, give me a shout.
MLKSHK is Open
We want to tell you that MLKSHK will not be closing! And not only are we not closing but we are going to be doing some good stuff in the coming months. We appreciated all the nice things you tweeted and mailed to us, and we realized just how special this site was to so many of you. To turn it of...
What is the upside of this? If the goal is "mak[ing] it so that you only ever make changes the right way", just don't allow making changes outside your configuration system. Turning off ssh solves the wrong problem.
step one: disable sshd?
step1 on my config management stack is turn off ssh-server. so its a bit strange seeing people doing ssh for conf management. — Karanbir Singh (@kbsingh) October 5, 2012 I love this idea, and I wish it was more practical to do. The theory is great. Configuration management makes every machine ...
adam added a favorite at WWdN: In Exile
Feb 16, 2012
That's my night job.
"... Walking in a winter slaughter hooooooouse!"
An homage to the sociopathic snowman scenes from Calvin and Hobbes. If lived someplace where it snowed, and if I ever stepped outside in said snow in said hypothetical place, these are the types of snowmen I would build. If I were capable of any sort of manual labor. Which I'm not.
adam added a favorite at oof! blog! argh!
Dec 22, 2011
This is truly tragic.
'Tis better to have Ponded and lost than never to have Ponded at all.
Are you sitting down? You should sit down. I've got to tell you something, but I need you to remember: everything is going to be OK. Take a deep breath. Karen Gillian is leaving Doctor Who. Now take it easy. Remember when we lost Billy Piper? Remember? Remember how we never thought anything wo...
adam added a favorite at Backyard
Oct 4, 2011
Stopped reading at "the 3 empowering policies".
32 questions for your sysadmin team
A. Public facing practices: *1. Are user requests tracked via a ticket system? *2. Are "the 3 empowering policies" defined and published? 3. Does the team record monthly metrics? B. Modern team practices: *4. Do you have a "policy and procedure" wiki? 5. Do you have a password safe? 6. Is you...
Bring it, brain eaters.
Facebook says this is my "Zombie Apocalypse" team - Adam, Kateri, Royako, Josh, Doug, Cuz, and Daisy
Wow... well played, spammer.
O-Ren Victorious
adam is now following Jennifer Lynne Roberts
Aug 5, 2011
adam added a favorite at Internet Tubes
Jun 17, 2011
adam added a favorite at Plack Blog
May 26, 2011
adam added a favorite at Cute Sexy Funny Awful
May 22, 2011
adam added a favorite at Cute Sexy Funny Awful
May 17, 2011
adam added a favorite at Shut Up And Click It
May 9, 2011
adam added a favorite at Cute Sexy Funny Awful
May 8, 2011
adam is now following miyagawa
Apr 28, 2011
adam is now following Mr. Coffee
Apr 28, 2011
adam is now following Jonathan March
Apr 28, 2011
adam is now following kallen
Apr 28, 2011
adam is now following Beth Wan
Apr 28, 2011
adam is now following Ilona Garner
Apr 28, 2011
adam added a favorite at Cute Sexy Funny Awful
Apr 13, 2011
adam added a favorite at Internet Tubes
Mar 5, 2011
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