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Dixie Redfearn
I'm a working journalist with 4 kids and soon-to-be 9 grandchildren
Interests: hiking, reading, kayaking, swimming
Recent Activity
Sometimes I feel like the odd person out with the God thing, but oh well. Their loss. Thanks for your comments!
Death Comes in Threes
I've been thinking about death a lot lately...understandable, since I just returned from a funeral in Orange County. We were mourning my brother-in-law from my first marriage, Bryan Courtney, who was taken from us at age 60. The cause: melanoma. He leaves a wife, two college age kids, and three ...
Dixie Redfearn is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Of course there are NO coins now. You can't even put coins in a machine. It's all dollar bills and bigger. But Grandma Thomas was a smart one. The house usually always wins!
Reno's Recession...
Just back from Reno, and there is clear evidence of the economy there, especially downtown in what was once a vibrant strip of casinos. Fitzgeralds is gone, the Virginian also. Lots of empty storefronts, places boarded up. etc. Many restaurants are closed. The whole downtown has a "Yuba City" lo...
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