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Time Flies
It's hard to believe that it's been almost two years since I posted anything on this blog. A place where I used to come often. So here I am starting anew in a sense. A rebirth of sorts. How fitting... Continue reading
Posted Mar 27, 2016 at Liam's Grandma or Maggie in Real Life
Happy $%^&^% New Year
I love the holidays. They are the most wonderful way to end a year. Lots of good food, friends, family, Christmas music, fancy dinners, cookies, oh the cookies! Holidays are also a time of exhaustion. Shopping, shopping, shopping. Cooking. Baking.... Continue reading
Posted Jan 2, 2014 at Liam's Grandma or Maggie in Real Life
Oh Holy Night - A Life Reflects
Oh Holy Night, the Stars are Brightly Shining There is great magic in a starry night. As a kid, we used to lay on the hood of my mom's car on a summer's night, staring at the stars, looking for... Continue reading
Posted Dec 27, 2013 at Liam's Grandma or Maggie in Real Life
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
I posted this on Facebook a week or so ago and wanted to post it here to keep my writing here. I seem to regularly post on Facebook rather than here and I need to change that: Yesterday, I was... Continue reading
Posted Dec 18, 2013 at Liam's Grandma or Maggie in Real Life
Busy Grandma and Liam
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Posted Aug 12, 2013 at Liam's Grandma or Maggie in Real Life
The Liam and Nimmy Show - Episode 1
Well, here you go. I know, I know, the world is waiting to shower us with all kinds of awards - best reality show, best actress in a difficult role, best actor demonstrating realistically how annoying children can be. It... Continue reading
Posted Jan 21, 2013 at Liam's Grandma or Maggie in Real Life
Maggie is now following Paloma Paz
Nov 25, 2012
A Day in the Life of Crazy
Did you ever ponder your rambling mind? All of the inane and insane thoughts that run through it at the speed of light, only occasionally pausing on something that is of any significance? No, you say? That's just me? Oh,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2012 at Liam's Grandma or Maggie in Real Life
Beautiful, Paloma, absolutely beautiful. You are as incredible a writer as you are an attorney. Enjoy this time and maybe this time will become your new you, your new life. Cooking, loving, laughing, relaxing, yoga, kitties and your exquisite writing that just might pay the mortgage after all.
Guest Author - Paloma Paz
I have often, over the years, asked for guest authors to add some variety to my blog. Well, today, I am pleased to post a writing by my dear friend and author, Paloma Paz. Thank you, Paloma, for your contribution to Liam's Grandma!!! Comments welcome! AN UNEXPECTED TRIP BY PALOMA PAZ I thoug...
Guest Author - Paloma Paz
I have often, over the years, asked for guest authors to add some variety to my blog. Well, today, I am pleased to post a writing by my dear friend and author, Paloma Paz. Thank you, Paloma, for your contribution... Continue reading
Posted Nov 1, 2012 at Liam's Grandma or Maggie in Real Life
Giggling through Grief
Monday will be four weeks since my Dad left us, my sister holding one of his hands and I, the other. It still doesn't feel real that the first man in my life, a man who has known me longer... Continue reading
Posted Sep 22, 2012 at Liam's Grandma or Maggie in Real Life
Saying Goodbye to Dad - His Eulogy
Many people have either asked for a copy of the eulogy I said for Dad that I decided to share it here. I love you, Dad. For Stephen Drojak...1/25/30-8/27-12 Today we celebrate a beautiful, long, productive, and happy life. We... Continue reading
Posted Sep 2, 2012 at Liam's Grandma or Maggie in Real Life
I'm sitting at my dad's computer as I write, about to down a pint of Haagen Daaz's (sp?) chocolate ice cream. But first, I wanted to write about Dad. He's in the hospital and I feel him slipping away from... Continue reading
Posted Aug 26, 2012 at Liam's Grandma or Maggie in Real Life
Where did you come from? Did you come for me? Did they tell you what to expect Or how it would be? Did you know the questions Before they were asked? Do you know the secrets That lie behind this... Continue reading
Posted Feb 18, 2012 at Liam's Grandma or Maggie in Real Life
I always have some kind of writing in the works. Much of it is just for my eyes; some of it, I allow others to see. I may write to relieve some kind of angst, or to express feelings I... Continue reading
Posted Dec 11, 2011 at Liam's Grandma or Maggie in Real Life
Sometimes we get overtired, overworked, overwrought. And with those things come consequences. Some get sick, some get run down, some don't sleep, some go crazy. I recently met a grandmother who was raising two of her four grandchildren. She pretty... Continue reading
Posted Nov 12, 2011 at Liam's Grandma or Maggie in Real Life
You express such beauty in your photos. Sometimes I absolutely have to stay away from your blog because I am overcome with emotion and tears because of the way you write, the way you pictorial things. I love your blog, Corey!
Sweet Things on Sunday
Judah talkin' to me? LOL!
Funny Faces
I had no idea Liam was video recording himself on this particular day. We had just pulled into the bank drive up window. The child brings me more joy than words can express. Sometimes, there are just not words for the things we feel. Copyright 2011 liamsgrandma
Funny Faces
I had no idea Liam was video recording himself on this particular day. We had just pulled into the bank drive up window. The child brings me more joy than words can express. Sometimes, there are just not words for... Continue reading
Posted Oct 8, 2011 at Liam's Grandma or Maggie in Real Life
Sometimes life is a breeze and we sail on it like a bird, wings spread, feeling the lift as the air pulls us up, up, and up; or the way a leaf must feel as the wind plucks it from... Continue reading
Posted Aug 27, 2011 at Liam's Grandma or Maggie in Real Life
This morning, I was minding my own business, pacing while waiting for my husband to leave because that's how my mornings are. Not that I'm in any hurry to get him out of here, mind you, but as the morning... Continue reading
Posted Jul 28, 2011 at Liam's Grandma or Maggie in Real Life
My dad taught me to ride my bike. The training wheels came off of the old blue Huffy and he gripped the back of the seat with one hand and held it, running along side of me. All at once, I felt a rush of air as he gave me a final push and let go. I was riding a bike! I glanced over my shoulder to see him smiling and fading in the distance. What we both forgot was that I had no idea how to stop the bike. Frantically, I turned myself to one side and jumped off, leaving the bike to go careening out of control and into a telephone pole. That bicycle was tough, however, and hit many telephone poles, parked cars and trees before I learned how to use the brakes. Thanks for bringing back this wonderful memory for me.
Okay so you liked the little turn of the century toy bikes as much as I did. They were cute weren't they! They certainly added a bit of humor to French Husband's Tour de France faux pas! I am giving the one above away. If you would like a chance at having it you need to leave a comment i...
Makeup is ON
Yes, I have my makeup on....Please also watch the video below this one because it's all about life and life with Liam. Thanks! And THANK GOD FOR MAKEUP. Continue reading
Posted Jul 19, 2011 at Liam's Grandma or Maggie in Real Life
Variety is the Spice of Life
In keeping with my "Variety Show," here's a video I just made yesterday after some fun in the sun with my grandson and his mama. Heat stroke? Maybe. Just plain crazy? Most likely. Delusions of grandeur? Most definitely. Continue reading
Posted Jul 19, 2011 at Liam's Grandma or Maggie in Real Life
Dancing With Dad - Part I
My dad turned 80 last year. On January 25, 2010. And I had a plan for a story about him because, well, my dad is one of the most important people in my life. But, just as I was writing... Continue reading
Posted Jul 11, 2011 at Liam's Grandma or Maggie in Real Life
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