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Einar Páll
Interests: Photography and travel
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Sep 23, 2012
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Mar 15, 2010
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Feb 11, 2010
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Feb 11, 2010
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Feb 11, 2010
Although I had no idea that there was a “Take your dog to work day” on the 20th I posted a blog on my new site about my dog and the advantage of taking your dog to work. Unfortunately for most of the world the article is in Icelandic. I am lucky because I can walk to work. In the morning I take my dog Brenna, a three year old Golden, and walk 1.5 miles to work. In the afternoon we take a shorter path and walk a mile. The main reason I can sustain repeating this every week, every month and all year long is my dogs need to go out and take a walk every day without exception. I am also lucky because I can keep her on a very large balcony at work when she is not inside with me. Here is the advantage for me: When I add the walk up it amounts to 15 miles a week, including the bit shorter weekend walks. So in a month we walk 60 miles together. So in a year we have walked 720 miles. I guess this is the biggest contribution to my health from anyone I know. If it wasn’t for Brenna I would probably walk out the door into my car and drive the 2.5 miles every day. My health would be worse. I would probably have a membership in a health club that I wasn’t using, my gasoline cost would be considerably higher, my blood pressure would be higher and I would not step on the weight as often as I dare. Hope all of you had a nice “Take your dog to work day”
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