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Mar 15, 2010
This is directly from an email I received and annoys the heck out of me - I suggested he reach out to you 'to dialogue' on these items - Let's 'dialogue' - let us know when you got that next 'rev' done
Eden, thank you is all I can say. Sharing your story will help so many other women in ways we will never know. I know it from my mom's story. It is very brave and so important. I am so sorry for everything that you have had to undergo and am reminded what an incredible woman you are. I hope next time I am in Toronto we can get together to celebrate life.
Thanks for the insights, Mike. This is an issue I am very passionate about as I am a big believer that people need to be seen as individuals and sterotypes help no one. I remember on 9/11 a colleague telling me we should restrict access to the US to certain people. I had to remind her that it would also incude me. To which she replied, "not people like you."
Toggle Commented May 28, 2008 on Wonderful Saturday at Pursuing Adventures