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Mary McGuire
London, UK
Energetic, fun, business-savy and curious
Interests: Meaningful work, emotional intelligence, performance improvement
Recent Activity
Modern Leaders are bombarded by external stimulus. This constant noise and chatter can get in the way of performance. One way of reclaiming that landscape is through mindfulness; the practice of slowing down our cognitive process so that we can recognize our thoughts and choose our responses. Is this something that you could benefit from? Continue reading
It was Heraclitus that said ‘Change is the only Constant’ as we see in the ever changing seasons in nature. And yet it is the very act of change that seems to be so difficult for organisations, and the larger the organisation, the more difficult that change appears to be. Continue reading
Many global organisations have a very robust and well thought out performance management system. Typically it will include technical competencies, behavioural competencies, have a rating scale and be linked to an end-year calibration process. And yet many of these same organisations find that the results seem to add up to less than the sum of the parts. Continue reading
Today’s global companies are driven by projects. Projects to implement new processes; projects to implement new systems; projects to outsource; projects to insource, you name it and they will be doing it. The challenge that they often face is how... Continue reading
Smart is about the command of Rational Intelligence; the ability to view a wide range of information, pick the most relevant for the situation and arrive at conclusions. But what about being wise - a term that is not commonly used in the Corporate world, what does that entail? And is one better than the other? Continue reading
Have you every wondered why some people seem to be able to overcome any barriers and get their ideas accepted. What is the magic ingredient that they have and can you develop it for yourself? For people in the know, such as those individuals that have always been good at climbing the corporate ladder they have an intuitive understanding of what influencing means and how to go about doing it. So how do they do it and can you learn from them? Continue reading
One of the rising trends with the silicon valley based industries has been to create a fun ‘anything-goes’ type workplace to encourage its (usually) young teams to feel relaxed, see work as fun and generally hang out with the guys in a cool, happening place. But the iPhone generation is getting wise to the all bells and no whistles approach to employment and starting to realize that work stops being fun and cool when you are just not getting the nuts and bolts support to do your job. Continue reading
Benjamin Franklin offered this nuggest of advice on persuasion. But can we really change someone else's mind? Persuasion Before we even contemplate the question, we need to consider is it even valid in the first place? Just because someone holds a different opinion or set of beliefs to ourselves, does that really matter? Quite often we spend enormous amounts of time and energy trying to get people to come to our own way of thinking, just so we have the satisfaction of feeling right. This article, originally from Deepak Chopra explores the art of persuasion. Continue reading
Deepak Chopra is a hugely influential figure in the fields of Leaderships, self awareness and well being. In this article he challenges the way that we find new talent for our organisations. Chopra reminds us that recruitment is not just... Continue reading
Much of the challenge for modern executives is the lack of any time to reflect; to think; and to weigh up options before acting. What are really essential attributes to be able to function well are viewed by many as luxuries that they can't afford. Deepak Chopra offers an insightful view that we share here Continue reading
Today I have the great pleasure of being the host on Day 8 of the Virtual Blog Tour of author Morgana Rae whose book Financial Alchemy: Twelve Months of Magic and Manifestation launches on Amazon on Wednesday January 23, 2013. Continue reading
Prioritisation is a great concept when you have the space and time to do it. The trouble for busy managers and executives is that they often don’t. Here we talk about the issues and tips to get to grips with prioritisation. Continue reading
If the global crisis had taught us anything it is the need to be principled and genuine in business. Leaders of today’s global organisations need to be able to display a consistent set of behaviours and values that reflect steadfast and reliable principles in how business should be done, if they are to rebuild trust in their institutions and regain the support of their shareholders. Continue reading
One of the things that we have observed in our work is the rise of the corporate bully. Bullying in the workplace has the same characteristics to the playground bully, and the motivations of the bully are also similar, but as they are masked in adult behaviour, they can often be ignored or even encouraged by organisations. Continue reading
Olympic performance and how it provides a framework for performance everywhere Continue reading
Where did the Blackberry go wrong. This forbes article takes a look Continue reading
Reblogged Apr 3, 2012 at Agents2Change - Smart Business Thinking
Sudy on social media and engagement. How it imporves a CEOs image Continue reading
Reblogged Mar 27, 2012 at Agents2Change - Smart Business Thinking
This article from HBR looks at virtual teams Continue reading
Reblogged Mar 26, 2012 at Agents2Change - Smart Business Thinking
The Forbes Insights study surveyed more than 1,200 executives in Europe across a range of topics and themes and came up with five innovator personalities Continue reading
Reblogged Mar 22, 2012 at Agents2Change - Smart Business Thinking
In this blog we look at the Myers Briggs model - MBTI and how it can help to explain why you work the way you do. Continue reading
This blog looks at the archetype of all modern psychometric models - the four temperaments. Continue reading
Earlier this week we talked about challenges at the Leading edge of change. But what about at the other end of the spectrum? This article looks at the corporate giants that are now failing. Continue reading
As Facebook readies itself for floatation, the debate centres around what leadership is required to take it forward and whether Mark Zuckerburg is the right person to do. Continue reading
As we look back at 2011, we can see that in many ways and for many reasons it was an extraordinary year. From revolutions to natural disasters, from political coups to civic disorder, from CEO departures to economic meltdown we have seen them all. Continue reading