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I unplugged this weekend, went camping! In fact, I unplugged, and ...unplummed? No running water? Did that make sense? Haha. I left my laptop and cell phone and TV to spend the weekends in the deep woods in southern Oklahoma, it was wonderful!! Better luck next time with unplugging. It's not as easy for someone with 3 kids and a business to run!!
1 reply
^^^...that was rebecca posting
Toggle Commented Jan 20, 2009 on today we partied. at a mom and her camera
1 reply
you're right jodie!!! that outfit is adorable!
Toggle Commented Jan 20, 2009 on today we partied. at a mom and her camera
1 reply
i love the winter in these pictures. a contrast to the gorg colors of fall, but there is a unique beauty to it for certain!
Toggle Commented Dec 31, 2008 on two more days at a mom and her camera
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