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Charles Baker
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George - there's been some controversy with regards to the LP/SP ratio.
You're calculations generate the reverse of what's asked in the form: SP/LP ratio (ie: .92, or 92%.) The form as initially released asks for the LP/SP ratio (1.10 in your example.)
The controversy centers on FNMA's decision to opt for the LP/SP ratio rather than the industry-accepted SP/LP (as used in ERC forms and MLS's nationwide.)
I've heard FNMA plans to revise the form to the widely-used SP/LP ratio. So, while your calculations make sense, they are actually opposite of what the form is asking.
Charles Baker, SRA
Freeware - 1004MC Form in Excel - Available for download
George Hatch has developed a build of the 1004MC form in Excel that he's making available for download to anyone who wants to use it. Download 1004MC He figured, in these tough economic times, there might be a few appraisers that could use a tool like this in lieu of spending money to update ...
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