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Wes Bell
Recent Activity
Number 8. Delightful. Good work Mrs Davis.
The Business Card Contest Finalists
We've narrowed down the Business Card Contest entries (thank you so much to everyone who entered! We were overwhelmed with the volume of cards received), and now it's your turn to vote for your favorites! Voting is now closed. We'll announce all of the winners soon! Handmade: (on recycled cere...
Wes Bell is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Wes Bell is now following Mark Waltz
Feb 12, 2010
Great quote.
All Honeymoons Die
"To sustain anything in this life we must continually recognize that that first fervor, that special electricity that we would die for, never lasts and that we must be open to receive a new spirit within the relationship. The downside of this is that all honeymoons die, but the upside is that God...
Wes Bell is now following Account Deleted
Jan 8, 2010
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