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Rhian Caroline
Grrreat Britain
She art journals to the dull light of a white lace lampshaded lamp. She holds on. She chooses to hold on.
Interests: I like being barefoot, I like reading lots of books and stacking them up beside my bed once I'm done, I like watching the stack grow week by week, I like fairy lights, like, a lot, I like painting my finger nails but never have enough patience for them to dry so they always end up smudged and chipped, I like spring onions in white rolls, I like calling girls birds and boys blokes, I like riot grrrls and feminists, I like wearing masks, I like introducing other people to art journalling, I like Scottie Dogs, I like people with opinions, I like street dance, I like watching the forest outside my back window change from season to season, I mostly like the sunny seasons, I like zines, I would probably like you.
Recent Activity
I remember a two room flat above a book shop, and the ding of the bell day in day out. I remember eating pasta every day for 6 months, the taste of it heavy in our mouths by the end.... Continue reading
Posted May 30, 2013 at RhianCaroline
Scotties love crochet
I've been crocheting and reading and teaching and walking my Scottie and thinking about blogging again. I thought about how I might as well just think out loud, because that's what I used to do, and be damned with all... Continue reading
Posted May 27, 2013 at RhianCaroline
Your thoughts and words excite me :)
when I grow up.
Some people know, from a very early age, what they want to do on this earth for the rest of their lives. I, on the other hand, seem to fall in love with a different occupation every year or two. This is not a bad thing. I have learned that it is my nature. Evolution is beautiful. A few things do...
Hay-on-Wye has lovely vintage stores. As does Brighton. Check them out some time when you have some spare time to drive a distance!
Spool No.72
I love getting in my car and just going places alone most of the time and finding out where things are around me. Going down a few roads and getting lost w/out my tom tom and then going down a few roads with my tom tom because shit I am not going to lie some stuff just looks the same to me aroun...
I was just leading at a summer camp for a week that has no signal/internet/connection to the outside world. It was bliss. I'd been really burdened before going about how lacking in substance facebook is, about how some people who call theirselves 'friends' don't communicate with you aside from facebook, and how i could be a better friend to those that I believe are.
Needless to say. I'm limiting my facebook interactions even more. And really trying to have real life interactions with people who I call 'friend'.
No facebook/connection/signal is good for the soul, Mama :)
I am taking an online hiatus from facebook. I much rather not get irritated by something happening online and focus more on myself, kids, business and everything going on around me. It is so easy to get sucked into everything that is going on around you when you and lose faith, sight and every...
i think too much
i think about a lot of stuff. but mostly how it all changes. always. 1 of 3 ATCs. Full set here. Continue reading
Posted Apr 20, 2011 at RhianCaroline
2 months later
i was taken by surprise. as the sun beat down and the lazy bumble bees awoke from their slumber i was taken by surprise. spring has arrived. whilst i meticulously created resources and perfected my enthusiastic face the seasons changed... Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2011 at RhianCaroline
[belated] hello 2011
taken from a journal entry written last year: my hope for you is that you live life, that you breath deep the humid fragrance of mundane chores and wild adventures, that you gaze at the moon each night and journal... Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2011 at RhianCaroline
The final blog of Christmas [and 2010]
Christmas is a tricky one for me. I like presents. I like making my house pretty. I like taking time to think about gifts i want to get my friends and family. I like wrapping things. I like the spirit... Continue reading
Posted Dec 26, 2010 at RhianCaroline
5 blogs of Christmas: #3&4
Home made tags and crochet coats for gifts. The glorious return of the Christmas wire. More details here. Continue reading
Posted Dec 24, 2010 at RhianCaroline
5 blogs of Christmas: A mix
Here's my banjo-heavy-redneck-wannabe-not-traditionally-christmasy mix tape for you all :) Download here. 1. Christmas Eve - John White 2. Walk Out To Winder - Aztec Camera 3. Santa Claus Is Back In Town - My Morning Jacket 4. All My Bells... Continue reading
Posted Dec 21, 2010 at RhianCaroline
5 blogs of Christmas: Trim the tree
In my mind bunting should be used for all and any holiday/celebration/event. So it was obvious I would need it for my tree this year. What with the crazy PGCE I am doing I have only just put [one of]... Continue reading
Posted Dec 20, 2010 at RhianCaroline
A Christmas with friends
KS asked me to be a part of this Christmas vlog she was creating. I promptly forgot she had asked me. (There seems to be a pattern here.) So then I shot a super quick, super late vlog of what... Continue reading
Posted Dec 14, 2010 at RhianCaroline
I've almost forgotten what it feels like to wake up and have absolutely no responsibilities for the day. I also forgot to mention this little bit. I designed a holiday print for this charity event hosted by Miss Haupt herself... Continue reading
Posted Dec 12, 2010 at RhianCaroline
the leaves have fallen at an alarming rate
There's a forest growing in my front room <3 Continue reading
Posted Dec 6, 2010 at RhianCaroline
Standing in the shadows
Weddings and snow and ice and lesson plans and Kimberly Scott and not enough fruit and fingers frozen to the bone. Heels too high, crazy people, makeup wearing dry, crisps and coke (for the American) and back to school on... Continue reading
Posted Nov 29, 2010 at RhianCaroline
sick days
So I've had to take 2 sicks days this week. This is not something I really wanted to do during the first term. As trainees our schedule is hectic, I am at school teaching 50% of a full timetable from... Continue reading
Posted Nov 25, 2010 at RhianCaroline
Operation Shoebox
This year Operation Christmas Child have joined the interwebs. You can now package and manage a shoebox online. For those of us that have found our selves just about able to find time to sleep, this seems the perfect way... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2010 at RhianCaroline
a year later
It's funny looking back at what you were doing a year ago. Maybe i'll do a 'this week' blog entry next weekend. If I have time to get the camera out amidst all the lesson plans, starters, and plenaries I... Continue reading
Posted Oct 31, 2010 at RhianCaroline
Diana's first day out
i took her to the forest and bathed her in sunrays so bright and chilly she couldn't help but be overwhelmed and euphoric at the wreckless abandon with which i used her. she struggled and complained at the changing face... Continue reading
Posted Oct 25, 2010 at RhianCaroline
i am doing this. i am waking up before the sun and sleep walking my way through the stretched out days. i am dressing myself and feeding myself and not being violently ill from the food. i am listening to... Continue reading
Posted Oct 22, 2010 at RhianCaroline
Continue reading
Posted Oct 11, 2010 at RhianCaroline
One [half] of one of the invites I created for kb and jonjon's upcoming nuptials. The upcoming nuptials in which I will be bridesmaid... transatlantic bridesmaid that is as my schedule doesn't afford me the time to actually be there!... Continue reading
Posted Oct 5, 2010 at RhianCaroline
I was asked in Uni last week or so, to write what I thought was the most important aspect of being an English teacher. I wrote out multiple paragraphs. I wrote about how everyone needs to be able to read... Continue reading
Posted Oct 3, 2010 at RhianCaroline
autumn breeze
my etsy faves have been mirroring the whole feel of this season, so i made my first treasurey. this month i have mostly gone to bed early, and woke up earlier to a simulation sunrise; wore wolf jumpers and eaten... Continue reading
Posted Sep 28, 2010 at RhianCaroline
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