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Recent Activity
Jennifer Lau is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Jennifer Lau is now following Zachary Quinto
Sep 30, 2009
HAHA - that is hilarious! Rebecca I can't believe you fell through the attic floor! That would definitely get you busted for doing too much. And I love that our definitions of bedrest are about the same. Yesterday Marty was in the shower and I have to confess my first thought was "I bet I can get the freezer and refrigerator scrubbed out before he's done".
Making Progress
I've had an amazing burst of energy over the past several days! Since my BP seemed to stabilize last week, I figured it was ok to get some things done around here. I don't know if it's the "nesting instinct" that supposedly kicks in towards the end of pregnancy or just because I'm stir crazy b...
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