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Elizabeth Klaviter
Los Angeles
I’m a writer. I live in Los Angeles with two amazing cats in a very beige apartment that works just fine for now.
Interests: trying to figure out what I do for fun, baking, cooking, chopping things with knives, photography, writing and watching TV
Recent Activity
So, the question has come up, “Why haven’t I been blogging?”. I get it. I was committed to it. I was doing it and then I disappeared. Okay – here’s the short version -- Doug and I broke up and we both needed privacy and distance. So, writing a blog about my life didn’t feel appropriate. Then he passed away very suddenly. We’d been leading separate lives for a while when this occurred, but his death still makes me profoundly sad and I needed some solo time to process. I’m still processing, but I’m not as hibernate-y about it. (Hibernate... Continue reading
Posted Dec 20, 2011 at The Unfit Athlete
Once upon a time, when I still wrote my blog regularly, on New Years Eve Day, I got this text from my cousin/best friend Lora, “I just looked at all of my resolutions for this year and I haven’t done any of them. Can I get a DO OVER? The answer is… Yes! We all get do overs. Why not! After all, we're making our own rules, right? So... I’m declaring my own DO OVER and I am restarting my blog! Continue reading
Posted Dec 19, 2011 at The Unfit Athlete
You know how I write for television? Well, part of the job is to produce episodes of television. Which basically means, I sit on my ass in a director's chair for a billion hours a day on set and answer any questions the actors, directors and crew members might have about the script. It's fun. Except when your back goes out. Which happened to me at the end of last season. It was during the filming of the season finale of Private Practice. The brilliant Jeannot Szwarc was directing a script written by the equally brilliant Debora Cahn. I was... Continue reading
Posted Jul 14, 2010 at The Unfit Athlete
Elizabeth Klaviter is now following Sonjamaeschmitt
Jul 8, 2010
Thanks Chanelle!
Toggle Commented Jul 7, 2010 on BIKING IN DIRT at The Unfit Athlete
I'm back!!!!! Thanks for your kind words Sonja!
Toggle Commented Jul 7, 2010 on I LOVE MY JOB at The Unfit Athlete
Northern Wolf -- point well taken. They save the apologies for vocal celebrities!
Toggle Commented Jul 7, 2010 on KEVIN SMITH at The Unfit Athlete
I was snorkeling off the poi pu beach on the south side of Kauai, but now I'm obsessed and can't wait to find other good places. Do you have a fab spot? I'll miss seeing you too. Come visit at Raleigh anytime :)
Toggle Commented Jul 7, 2010 on THE SPORT OF RELAXATION at The Unfit Athlete
I'm face down, in the Pacific Ocean. The tide gently rocks me back and forth, back and forth. I'm snorkeling. Sport #3. I watch bright yellow fish and orange fish, many, many fish swimming in and over and through coral. There's a green turtle to my right. My back pain floats away in the tide. (It got bad the last few weeks on set, so bad I had trouble walking.) The stress of the last weeks of work floats away in the tide. My guilt of not writing my blog floats away in the tide. I forget I'm a writer,... Continue reading
Posted Jul 6, 2010 at The Unfit Athlete
I love my job. However, it's taking up all my time. And brain space. And energy. And everything else right now. The truth is, I'm not exercising because I haven't learned how to balance working a bagillion (sp?) hours a week and getting in exercise time for me. Though, I did get some new grips for my mountain bike and I'm hoping to ride it in the dirt for reals this weekend. And I do have some athletic stories to tell you, but I don't have time to write them right now. One good bit of news - LOSE IT!... Continue reading
Posted Mar 18, 2010 at The Unfit Athlete
Exciting news, I'm writing episode 321 of Private Practice! Stressful news, it's due Monday. So, this is going to be short (and late, since today is Thursday). Went to an ego reducing yoga class the other day. It was terrible. I was enjoying my ego the size it was, but, now it's smaller. I used to be able to do this pose... Now, I can't. Ten years ago, I worked everyday for a year to be able to do it. It's part of the sun salutation and is done many, many times in a yoga class. The first time I... Continue reading
Posted Mar 11, 2010 at The Unfit Athlete
You are right!!! :)
Toggle Commented Mar 9, 2010 on BIKING IN DIRT at The Unfit Athlete
I biked in the dirt. Not to be confused with mountain biking (which happens in the dirt) and looks like this... Or dirt biking which also happens in the dirt and looks like this... Those who know me well, like say my mother, are thinking -- "Elizabeth, you hate to get dirty and have from the time you were an infant when you refused to crawl in grass or go barefoot. Biking in dirt should be the last thing on earth you want to do." To that I say, "So, true. And yet, I do want to do it." It... Continue reading
Posted Mar 3, 2010 at The Unfit Athlete
Elizabeth Klaviter is now following Isao
Mar 3, 2010
Very fun. Hope that the two of you enjoy biking together as much as we do! Keep me posted. Would love to hear about your adventures. Thanks for the kind words about the blog. You inspire me!
Toggle Commented Mar 2, 2010 on INTRODUCING MY BIKE! at The Unfit Athlete
Yay! More bikers. If only geography weren't so spread out! Spring must be right around the corner for you -- March is already here ( I can't believe time goes so fast?) You inspire me!
Toggle Commented Mar 2, 2010 on INTRODUCING MY BIKE! at The Unfit Athlete
Yes - I think of biking around Little Travers Bay often in our rides together. That is one place where i truly did enjoy riding. I hope it is in our futures. (Not sure when.) I would really love to vacation in Northern Michigan and visit the cottage once again. You inspire me! xo, EK
Toggle Commented Mar 2, 2010 on INTRODUCING MY BIKE! at The Unfit Athlete
Chanelle - Very much looking forward to spring and more bike rides. Griffith Park is definitely on the agenda. Though, the hills scare me a bit! You inspire me!
Toggle Commented Mar 2, 2010 on INTRODUCING MY BIKE! at The Unfit Athlete
This is my new bike -- The one Doug got me for Christmas, only we were too busy to actually shop for the bike until last weekend. She's posed like the rugged glamazon she is alongside Doug's mountain bike. A Trek Woman's Specific Design 4300. A mountain bike with a floral design. We went to Budget Pro Bicycles in Eagle Rock to look around. Just so that I could get an idea for what's out there and maybe test ride a few bikes. Budget Pro's in a strip mall and from the outside looks like a little hole in the... Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2010 at The Unfit Athlete
Elizabeth Klaviter is now following Account Deleted
Feb 24, 2010
Thank you for posting Jamie Oliver's talk. Very informative. I live in Los Angeles and was driving to work the other day when I thought to myself - we have an energy crisis, pollution crisis and an obesity epidemic....hmmmmmmm seems like there are a few shared solutions.
Toggle Commented Feb 23, 2010 on Jamie Oliver's talk at Ted at Hungry Frenchman
1 reply
Elizabeth Klaviter is now following Alex Deve
Feb 23, 2010
Thanks Patrick! You inspire me!
Toggle Commented Feb 19, 2010 on KEVIN SMITH at The Unfit Athlete
By now you've probably heard that Kevin Smith got kicked off a Southwest Airlines flight for being overweight. He has 1.5 million followers on Twitter and immediately started to tweet about the ill treatment he was receiving from Southwest. Soon the story appeared on the news (both trashy and respectable) including TMZ and The Boston Globe. Southwest had a PR representative, someone with experience talking to people and calming them down, call Kevin Smith. She apologized to him and even wrote a blog on the Southwest Airlines website publicly apologizing to Kevin Smith. If you want more info on the... Continue reading
Posted Feb 16, 2010 at The Unfit Athlete
Why thank you.
Toggle Commented Feb 12, 2010 on A SMALL TASTE OF VICTORY at The Unfit Athlete