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Madeline's Dad
Denver, CO
Welcome to Where Are My Keys?, also known as WAMK! Feel free to email me at [email protected]
Interests: music, sports, politics, family, pop culture, humor, random odd stuff
Recent Activity
You asked for it, you are going to get it..
Well, not all of us asked for it. Get ready for the coming storm. For the past three years, the biggest argument supporters of Obamacare would trot out every single time when faced with opposition to the mandatory tax, would... Continue reading
Posted May 22, 2015 at Where Are My Keys?
Musical Stylings..
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Posted Mar 13, 2015 at Where Are My Keys?
Good Heavens..
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Posted Mar 11, 2015 at Where Are My Keys?
So the Press DOES know how to do some background reporting..
After not giving a hoot about Barack Obama's college grades, teachers, or classmates, the MSM "discovers" how to do some journalism: But in his classes, some professors said they never saw the same level of focus on schoolwork. In introductory... Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2015 at Where Are My Keys?
The incredible shrinking man..
I've been trying to lose a few pounds here and there (travel schedule has made my pants fit a bit tighter!), and wanted to share the results of the first 4 months of my progress. I've been using my Misfit... Continue reading
Posted Dec 21, 2014 at Where Are My Keys?
Godspeed, Geno..
We lost one of the good ones on Friday. My father-in-law Tom was a great guy. He grew up on a fox farm on the East Coast, went off to war at the tender age of 17, and flew B-24's... Continue reading
Posted Nov 19, 2014 at Where Are My Keys?
I'm sure this Administration will respond with a hashtag campaign..
#NoBombersInOurBackyard I'm sure that will take care of it. Continue reading
Posted Nov 12, 2014 at Where Are My Keys?
GWK is clearly racist.
Great observations from VDH on Election Day..
Every bit of this piece is fantastic, and pulling out various snippets for you to read would be nearly impossible to do. So I'll tease you with the open, and ask that you read the whole thing: Here is the problem with the old-style Obama strategy of slicing and dicing the electorate into aggrie...
Because this is the most important thing in the United States right now..
This was the biggest issue that you saw in all those ads leading up to the election right? Net neutrality? Wasn't that the number one thing on people's minds last Tuesday? Good to see the President respond to his constituients.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2014 at Where Are My Keys?
Good for you, Rush..
The radio giant threatens to sue the DCCC: Radio host Rush Limbaugh has threatened to sue the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) for defamation, The Daily Caller has learned. Limbaugh retained the services of lawyer Patty Glaser and demanded that... Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2014 at Where Are My Keys?
Great observations from VDH on Election Day..
Every bit of this piece is fantastic, and pulling out various snippets for you to read would be nearly impossible to do. So I'll tease you with the open, and ask that you read the whole thing: Here is the... Continue reading
Posted Nov 4, 2014 at Where Are My Keys?
what would make you think I would agree with that, based on what you've seen me comment and post?
What does EBOLA stand for?
Enjoy Barack Obama's Legacy, America.
"Insult a guy"?? After you commented "Oh, the MGMA. Heard of them before today?", that sure wasn't said in a snarky/insulting manner towards me, was it?
Fewer doctors under Obamacare..
Just as predicted. Good luck finding a doctor if you live in the Golden State, and use Covered California: Over 214,000 doctors won't participate in the new plans under the Affordable Care Act (ACA,) analysis of a new survey by Medical Group Management Association shows. That number of 214,524,...
Oh, and to your question about other surveys? Here a link to others you might want to review. Or, as you typically, do, don't review, but still mock and discredit.
Fewer doctors under Obamacare..
Just as predicted. Good luck finding a doctor if you live in the Golden State, and use Covered California: Over 214,000 doctors won't participate in the new plans under the Affordable Care Act (ACA,) analysis of a new survey by Medical Group Management Association shows. That number of 214,524,...
Besides the conference I just attended hosted by them in Las Vegas, or the one last year in San Diego? Or that the majority of the doctors I work with on a daily basis belong to their association?
Again, just because YOU aren't aware of something, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
They only represent close to 300,000 doctors, so I could see why you would think they don't know as much about the challenges facing doctors under Obamacare. Surely a toner salesman knows more about their challenges than they do!
I'm sure that your vast experience in managing medical practices, dealing with insurance companies, reimbursements, and medical equipment purchases far outweighs theirs.
Do you even get a little embarrassed when you repeatedly put your foot in your mouth over and over? At some point, doesn't your common sense and past history suggest you might not want to make a fool of yourself yet again?
Fewer doctors under Obamacare..
Just as predicted. Good luck finding a doctor if you live in the Golden State, and use Covered California: Over 214,000 doctors won't participate in the new plans under the Affordable Care Act (ACA,) analysis of a new survey by Medical Group Management Association shows. That number of 214,524,...
Gosh, if YOU or your friends haven't been affected, then obviously no one has!
Where did AAF get their data, to make their estimate? (Hint: it's right there in the post)
Fewer doctors under Obamacare..
Just as predicted. Good luck finding a doctor if you live in the Golden State, and use Covered California: Over 214,000 doctors won't participate in the new plans under the Affordable Care Act (ACA,) analysis of a new survey by Medical Group Management Association shows. That number of 214,524,...
Fewer doctors under Obamacare..
Just as predicted. Good luck finding a doctor if you live in the Golden State, and use Covered California: Over 214,000 doctors won't participate in the new plans under the Affordable Care Act (ACA,) analysis of a new survey by... Continue reading
Posted Oct 30, 2014 at Where Are My Keys?
New York and New Jersey are more on the ball than the White House..
Both Governors showing more leadership than POTUS: The patients with the highest level of possible exposure will be automatically quarantined for 21 days at a government-regulated facility. As WCBS 880’s Rich Lamb reported, those patients include anyone having direct contact... Continue reading
Posted Oct 24, 2014 at Where Are My Keys?
It's not about your technique, but your lack of reading comprehension skillz.
Why am I surprised you don't understand that?
See if you can figure out what the author was trying to convey..
Read this piece, and see if you can decipher what point York was trying to make. I'll help you out a little, with a passage from it: But then came a woman named Betsy Markey, who reminded the crowd that she was elected to the House of Representatives in 2008 but lost the next time around, in 20...
Where was this when I was in high school??
Photomath is pretty cool: Need a little help getting through your next big math exam? MicroBlink has an app that could help you study more effectively -- perhaps too effectively. Its newly unveiled PhotoMath for iOS and Windows Phone (Android... Continue reading
Posted Oct 24, 2014 at Where Are My Keys?
See if you can figure out what the author was trying to convey..
Read this piece, and see if you can decipher what point York was trying to make. I'll help you out a little, with a passage from it: But then came a woman named Betsy Markey, who reminded the crowd that... Continue reading
Posted Oct 24, 2014 at Where Are My Keys?
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Posted Oct 17, 2014 at Where Are My Keys?
What does EBOLA stand for?
Enjoy Barack Obama's Legacy, America. Continue reading
Posted Oct 17, 2014 at Where Are My Keys?
Pretty sweet paint job..
A car, an artist wife, and a few Sharpies. Continue reading
Posted Oct 15, 2014 at Where Are My Keys?
"No viable threat..", ver 4.0
I'm sure it's nothing. Continue reading
Posted Oct 15, 2014 at Where Are My Keys?
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