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Jack Uldrich
Author, Forecaster, Futurist and Agent of Change
Recent Activity
Here is a new one I'd like to add: Kids can teach themselves!
P.S. For more info, read this post on Unlearning Learning:
10 Things Worthy of Teaching in Kindergarten
10. Teachers (and other experts) can be wrong. 9. Questions are better than answers. 8. Problems can have multiple solutions. 7. If something goes without saying, question it. 6. The opposite may also be true. 5. Certain things can be true and false at the same time. 4. Adults see and hear the...
To Grow: Unlearn
If you can unlearn your ideas about what is possible, you can grow almost anywhere. Related Posts The Tree of Unlearning A Plant Whose Virtue Has Yet to Be Discovered
Jack Uldrich is now following Hillary Feder
Aug 6, 2011
I love the interview question! I also agree that it is ironic that we sometimes need setbacks to "relearn" lessons we have already learned.
All the best,
Why I Can Still Smile After Making a $25,000 Mistake (Really)
Let me begin by admitting that it is not easy to smile after losing $25,000. At 3p.m. today, I should be addressing a senior group of utility executives who are part of IBM’s Global Intelligent “Smart Grid” Network in Campinas, Brazil. Unfortunately, because I failed to secure the necessary v...
Sorry to hear of your misfortune. I recently read a good book called "A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy." I'd encourage you to check it out from your local library. It provides useful strategies for increasing joy -- even when life isn't fair.
Why I Can Still Smile After Making a $25,000 Mistake (Really)
Let me begin by admitting that it is not easy to smile after losing $25,000. At 3p.m. today, I should be addressing a senior group of utility executives who are part of IBM’s Global Intelligent “Smart Grid” Network in Campinas, Brazil. Unfortunately, because I failed to secure the necessary v...
Great quote. In fact, it's so good I placed it at the top of this post. Thanks for sharing it.
Unlearn Your Ideas of What is "Impossible"
"Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." The Queen in "Through the Looking Glass" "It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow." Robert Goddard, U.S. physicist & pioneer rocket enginee...
Maybe there's a place in the home for an anti-library (a set of books you haven't read) -- it's a strategy I use to remind myself of my ignorance.
Here's a post that flushes out the idea in greater detail:
Listen and Unlearn
Recently, I was on a flight and as we were descending the pilot's voice came over the intercom and, tongue-in-cheek, he asked everyone to "turn off their books." It was a funny comment but it does hint at a broader sea change -- more and more people are reading books on their Kindles and iPad's....
Great advice.
5 Ways to Make the Familiar Strange
One method of unlearning is to make the familiar strange. It's not as paradoxical as it may seem. Here are simple five ways to do it: 1. Turn a familiar object upside down. Remember the opposite may also be true. 2. View an object from a different perspective. (Look at picture to the right. No...
Love it ... especially the "knowmad" part.
You Can Embrace Ambiguity: True or False?
In philosophy and logic there is something know as the liar's paradox. Consider the following statement: "This statement is false." If "This statement is false" is true, then it is false, which in turn would mean that it is actually true, but this would mean it is false ... and so on ad infini...
Thanks ... I love the title of your blog! I just checked it out ... great stuff.
Needed: A New Educational Perspective
The other day I suggested there was great value in flipping the classroom. To better understand why it makes sense to allow children to watch lectures at home and do "homework" at school, read the following paragraph which was clipped from this excellent article by Salman Khan -- Turning the C...
Unfortunately, I don't think many people would display Darwin's courage.
P.S. I hadn't heard of the movie, "Creation" ... I'll have to watch it.
Unlock the Keys to Failure
“To kill an error is as good a service, and sometimes even better than, the establishing of a new truth or fact.” – Charles Darwin Question: Who coined the phrase, “The survival of the fittest”? Did you say Charles Darwin? If so, you are mistaken. The honor belongs to Herbert Spencer who first...
Thanks for your comment. Yes, the other person did miss the point of the article.
A Woman Without Her Man is Nothing
Read the following sentence: A woman without her man is nothing. My guess is that if you're a woman it may have pissed you off because you read it in the following way: "A woman, without her man, is nothing". If, however, you made just a small change in punctuation it could be read this way:...
I just finished the book this evening. It was outstanding. I'd love to see some video of Gordon MacKenzie as well.
Orville Wright Did Not Have a Pilot's License
I'm currently reading Gordon MacKenzie's delightful book, Orbiting the Giant Hairball. Chapter 19 is the shortest, most insightful chapter I have read in some time. I will repeat it in its entirety for your reading pleasure: Orville Wright did not have a pilot's license.
Jack Uldrich is now following Jeffmiller79
Mar 9, 2011
I love it! I need a clock like Adm. Hopper.
P.S. Now get back to changing Minnesota's political climate!
Orville Wright Did Not Have a Pilot's License
I'm currently reading Gordon MacKenzie's delightful book, Orbiting the Giant Hairball. Chapter 19 is the shortest, most insightful chapter I have read in some time. I will repeat it in its entirety for your reading pleasure: Orville Wright did not have a pilot's license.
I'll give this some thought and keep you posted on any future writings. The following isn't a perfect example (because it isn't related to creativity) but the other day I did try to "get inside" my wife's head:
Creativity Isn't All in Your Head
According to a new study ("Decisions for Others Are More Creative Decisions for the Self" in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin), people are more creative when they're thinking on someone else's behalf. In other words, when you put yourself in the shoes of another person, you are more...
Me too ...
Practice Intentional Imperfection
“He who hesitates because he feels inferior is being surpassed by those who are busy making mistakes and becoming superior.” –Henry Link Question: If a poor man can make one cigarette from six butts, how many can he make from thirty-six butts? Seven. He makes six cigarettes, smokes them, a...
Thanks. In a subsequent post I did mention that the NASA pen story was an urban myth. I don't know, however, that the Russians also preferred to use pens.
Unlearning Expensive Technology
Late last week, it was announced that NASA had, pardon the pun, pissed away $154 million by creating a urinal/water fountain system that didn’t work. To witness how a more simple technology can have huge implications down here on this planet, watch this amazing video (Note: it is a little graphi...
Which is More Dangerous: The Tiger or the Jungle?
Take a look at the photo to the right. What do you see? It's a tiger, right? To be more specific, it's a tiger in jungle. Not so fast. Perhaps, it's a jungle with a tiger. Over the past few years a handful of studies have been conducted using photos similar to the one displayed. What is fascin...
Excellent point ... I agree.
The Essential Element of Creativity
IBM recently released a survey of 1500 CEO's across the globe and they said that creativity was the most important leadership quality for guaranteeing future success. How does one become creative, though? Part of the answer, I 'd argue begins with the ability to unlearn. It is now generally...
Thanks! Great video ... I posted a video addendum with a link to this video in a separate post.
A Visual Metaphor for Unlearning
You can be the smartest person in the world but "what you don't know" will always be greater than what you do know. Recognizing this reality can be the first step toward accepting the need to unlearn. Why? Because it is within this space of "the great unknown" where we will find those new truths...
Well said. I agree that "certification" is a curse on innovation. I believe this is one reason why many of our so-called institutions of higher learning are so intellectually stagnant.
Never Let Your Ego Stop You from Unlearning
"The most important lessons lay not in what I needed to learn, but in what I first needed to unlearn." Jim Collins The following quote was taken from this Harvard Business article entitled "Never Let Your Ego Stop You from Learning." I would like to argue that ego is even a bigger deterrent to u...
Well said. I love the quote from William James ... I'd never seen it. Thanks for sharing.
Unlock the Keys to Failure
“To kill an error is as good a service, and sometimes even better than, the establishing of a new truth or fact.” – Charles Darwin Question: Who coined the phrase, “The survival of the fittest”? Did you say Charles Darwin? If so, you are mistaken. The honor belongs to Herbert Spencer who first...
I don't really have a pre-conceived idea of how to address this problem and, in general, I'm not a fan of more government. I'm just wondering if there are some other design options--besides straighter roads--that might address this problem.
Thanks for your comments!
Country Road Dangers
The other day I discussed this interesting paradox involving bike helmets and suggested that innovative designers might be able to craft a solution. I'd now like to pose another opportunity to creative designers--design safer country roads. People mistakenly feel safer on country roads even th...
At least you're not feeling green with envy ...
Show Your True Colors: Fear Commitment
“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson Question: What do chameleons do? They do many things but the one thing they don’t do is change color to match their background. Chameleons do, however, change color in response to changes in light and temperature. ...
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