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Recovering Melancholic...
Interests: dancing, gin, blossom dearie, karen dalton, douglas sirk, raspberries, plants, crying, edward gorey, banjos, federico fellini, francois truffaut, the master and margarita, sulking, whingeing, self-flagellating, confederacy of dunces, the object lesson, folkniks, le regle de jeu, shelley winters, the world record club, judee sill, 'baby it's you' by promises, mapp and lucia, moominsummer madness, pan's people, herb alpert's 'goin' places', red brick houses, tapirs, little edie, maidenhair ferns, go-go dancing, thelma ritter, maude starring bea arthur, joseph hoffmann, edward bawden, luis bunuel, ELO
Recent Activity
Stevie is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Stevie added a favorite at AJ Omalley's blog
Feb 13, 2010
Toggle Commented Jan 9, 2010 on Hostile Takeover at AJ Omalley's blog
Stevie added a favorite at AJ Omalley's blog
Jan 8, 2010
Stevie is now following AJ Omalley
Jan 8, 2010
Stevie added a favorite at Bali Hai's blog
Jan 4, 2010
I love it when you crank up the 'phone and start dancing about. And I would pay SILLY money to enter your little nightclub. Your brother was probably listening to Dire Straits. You win!
Toggle Commented Jan 1, 2010 on Don't Bring Lulu at Bali Hai's blog
Stevie added a favorite at Bali Hai's blog
Dec 27, 2009
What a fantastic find! I can totally relate to what you say about aloneness sometimes being good and sometimes being horrible. I love that you only discovered the book title after a while. It's a bit like that creepy moment in Blow Up!
Toggle Commented Dec 27, 2009 on Some Christmas Reading at Bali Hai's blog
I can't wait to see you turning heads in yoru snazzy get up come Autumn, my dapper Nature Boy!
Toggle Commented Dec 20, 2009 on A Country Mile at Bali Hai's blog
I love the contrast between the downward droop of his handsome mo' and the kicky wings of his little dutch girl hat. I agree. There needs to be more dressing up, I say. Today, I am appearing as Mamie Van Doren..
Toggle Commented Dec 13, 2009 on What Your Grandfather Got Up To at Bali Hai's blog
Stevie added a favorite at Bali Hai's blog
Dec 12, 2009
I know what you mean about feeling alive. Its a shame we have to waste so much time on all this other nonsense! But at least you have the happy memory to get you through.. Love this photo, by the way. I would love to own this kind of autobubbling outfit!
Toggle Commented Dec 1, 2009 on Take Me Back at Bali Hai's blog
Stevie added a favorite at Bali Hai's blog
Nov 24, 2009
Stevie is now following Bali Hai
Nov 23, 2009