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Cindy Hearty
Recent Activity
Wendy, that is just adorable !! LOVE LOVE LOVE fact, I think I want one :D
sew much fun
I love how much time I have on my hands in the school holidays. Even though I'm still working, there seems to be so much more free time, especially in the evenings. Lately, I've been using the extra time to get back to my sewing roots. Mum taught me to sew when I was really young. I think I mad...
I'm sure you'll think of something gorgeous to do with them Wendy...can't wait to see !
When I love something, I really love it and become totally obsessed with it, until I can't stand it anymore! Haha Lately I'm obsessed with making these embroidered fabric flowers. I made five last week, and gave them to Leeanne for a late Christmas pressie. Then we had a little workshop ses...
WOW !!!
what I'm doing right now
Only got about a million more to sew. I love to have a got ferret around in a junk shop every once in a while, don't you? I always seem to find something I simply HAVE to have. haha. Last week I found this cool Martha Stewart wooden frame for only $5 bucks! At this stage I'm enjoying just thi...
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