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Debbie Fisher
Recent Activity
I love everything about fall and these images are perfect!!
WOW! Love every single one of these ideas!
Oh my goodness! These projects are absolutely fun!! Now I can't wait to make some up for the teachers I work with!
This is amazing! I love it!
Toggle Commented Aug 10, 2011 on Introducing Gratitude Journal at My Favorite Things
1 reply
This is absolutley darling! I've got to make one of these! I just told my son to go out and pick cherries! Ü
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I can't believe I missed you! I was demoing in the Tombow booth and we were catty corner from you!
Toggle Commented Jul 22, 2011 on A few CHA Tidbits at Thinking Inking
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Debbie Fisher is now following Um Buggin
Jul 16, 2011
Debbie Fisher is now following regina easter
Jul 16, 2011
WOW! I LOVE that paper and LOVE that ruler image! All of your projects are awesome!
Toggle Commented Jul 13, 2010 on It's Official - Day 4 at My Favorite Things
1 reply
Hi Dawn! Thank you for sharing your day with us. I LOVE old buildings like that. Absolutely love that yellow house as well! We live in the country, but Comstock has a population of around 76ish. Yep, just two digits! Ü They put on one of the largest 4th of July celebrations in the state and have a huge heart for such a small village.
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Dawn, thank you so much for sharing your wonderful birthday weekend with us all.
Toggle Commented Jun 27, 2010 on The Birthday Story at My Favorite Things
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Happy Birthday Dawn! I hope you have a very lovely day. Your card is beautiful! I love the creamy white felt flowers. And your roses are gorgeous. I would say your hubby is a keeper. Ü Thank you for all the inspiration you share with us.
Toggle Commented Jun 25, 2010 on Birthday Giveaway! at My Favorite Things
1 reply
Dawn, thank you for sharing the "rest of the story" with us. It is so cool to see how God has blessed your desires. I used that verse on my son's graduation board and has been one that I have had to rely heavy on with farming so unstable where we live and it's our main income. I love your blog and don't always comment, but read it every day. Thank you for all your inspiration and all you share with us. I love the "books you read" sections as well. I've read many of them, but some I haven't, and we seem to have the same tastes, so I love to hear of some good ones.
Toggle Commented Jun 19, 2010 on A Year Ago Today..... at My Favorite Things
1 reply
I love your stamp set! I am so thankful for stamping friends. It amazes me how this craft has brought so many cool "forever friends" in my life. I live in NE.
Toggle Commented Nov 23, 2009 on Thankful for... at Poppy Paperie
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Thank you so much for sharing your weekend with us. I love the Pioneer Woman and loved reading all about your fun weekend with Nichole.
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all of your projects are awesome! I love all the special touches like sewing that you put into your work.
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oh WOW! Dawn I love your signature set! I love the mix of fonts and this set is perfect!
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thanks! I have two boys, so can't really make them skirts and purses. LOL!!!
Toggle Commented Jul 9, 2009 on Summer Button Recycled Fun! at Poppy Paperie
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Lisa, this is absolutely adorable! I have another tip for you... When she outgrows the shorts you can make another purse. My favorite purse when I was in high school is one my g'ma and I made together with one of my jeans I had outgrown. We cut the legs off at the crotch. Turn the jeans inside out and sew across the bottom. We added snaps inside the waist band so that I could close it and made handles with the leg part of the jeans. I sewed buttons on it willy nilly and ran a color handkerchief thru the belt loops. I had several friends request these and made them some with their jeans. Another fun thing to do with jeans that still fit, but the are too short is to cut off at the crotch and then cut some patterned cotton as long as you would want it for a skirt. Sew the sides to make a tube and hem one edge and gather the other edge to fit the opening of the bottom of the jeans. It's funny to see that girls are wearing these NOW when it's what we did in high school. Trends really do repeat.
Toggle Commented Jul 9, 2009 on Summer Button Recycled Fun! at Poppy Paperie
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Your card is beautiful! LOVE the barn picture! I love old homes and barns and love to imagine what life was like back in their glory days.
Toggle Commented Jul 7, 2009 on Monday, Monday.... at My Favorite Things
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COOL! I love the stonewashed look the stamping on the jeans gave it.
Toggle Commented Jul 1, 2009 on Fun with Fabric! at Poppy Paperie
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This card is sweet! Don't apologize for it being a quicky! We have to homeschool in the summer too with my youngest. He has short term memory loss and it is just too hard for him if we don't, so I understand perfectly. It's just enough to help him and he is the one that is hurt if we don't. Can't wait to see what your new images are going to be! I entered my youngest son's images in to a contest and he won and I rec'd the stamps yesterday. Had to run for parts for DH, so am planning to ink them up today. Ü
Toggle Commented Jun 23, 2009 on Raspberry Apple.... at Poppy Paperie
1 reply
Congratulations Ella! Lisa, your card is beautiful! I love the red, yellow and black together. I gave each teacher a homemade cinnamon roll and thank you card on the last day of school. Ü
Toggle Commented Jun 18, 2009 on the last of school... at Poppy Paperie
1 reply
all of your projects are darling!
Toggle Commented Jun 10, 2009 on Introducing Heavenly Medley! at Poppy Paperie
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