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Wendy Steward
Recent Activity
Well miss heidi, i am still smiling that you embraced a little purple. the flowers look so divine on you. we have very few trick or treaters down under, but we do have candy ready. its even in a purple plastic pumpkin lol we keep individually wrapped candies usually chocolate of all different kinds, we stick to cadbury and all the yummies they make. keep smiling purple rules love wendy in melbourne xoxoxox
Toggle Commented Oct 24, 2010 on LIVE recaped... at still me
We are having a bbq at home, our friends are coming over with their kids. The kids want to watch the ABBA special hee hee, we have taught them well. We also have buzz and singstar for PS2 and we hope to get to watch some fireworks on the bay from the back deck. An easy low stress night at home with special friends. Hope you all have a happy and safe night. wendy
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