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George Esunge Fominyen
Recent Activity
Thanks Yinkfu...
Toggle Commented Sep 19, 2010 on Who’s GEF? at GEF's Outlook
1 reply
Yao, Thanks for the updates on the situation. That is what interactivity is all about. That's what's interesting about blogging too! It allows all to contribute. It's a pity though, that the AfCon has to start-off amidst such confusion. Cheers
Dear Dango Tumma, Thanks for visiting Gefs Outlook. All feedback and discussion is useful. This post draws from the action of the Sawa (Cameroon) dignitaries to discuss the way Africans (not just Cameroonians and/or Sawas alone) are dealing with their traditional belief systems vis-a-vis other religions (Christianity, Islam, etc) which they have adopted. South Africa being Africa, the photo of South Africans in a traditional ritual fits the general sense of the article. I included the tagline (Ritual in SA) to describe the photo and inform you and other readers that it is from South Africa. Besides there is no caption that says this is a photo of a Sawa ritual. I hope you will have a second reading of the piece and maybe post your point of view on the issue of blending traditional African religions and other faiths. Cheers.
1 reply
Iya, I hope you develop these feelings and thoughts into a beautiful and thought-provoking novel. Peace.
Toggle Commented Dec 28, 2009 on Entering Fortress Europe at R. E. Ekosso's Blog
1 reply
Salut Nino, Great idea you've got going. Keep it up.
1 reply
Harrison, Good to see that you could transcribe what I used to do on air! I'm also honoured that you can still remember stuff I did about 9 years ago!!! (Doesn't make me any younger though)
Toggle Commented May 28, 2009 on Who’s GEF? at GEF's Outlook
1 reply
Dear Ngome Edy, Thank you for the kudos. We'll try to keep up. I would be happy to know which of the posts caught the attention of your professor. Cheers, GEF
Toggle Commented May 28, 2009 on Who’s GEF? at GEF's Outlook
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