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Katherine Lia
I am a magical Being on a magical journey in honor and service of our creator!! Won't you join me?
Interests: dancing, hiking, reading, biking, swimming, camping, skiing, hanging out with friends at a BBQ or cottage on the lake, traveling and exploring around the world and meeting people. being home with my children.
Recent Activity
Thank you so much. I love to learn more ways to reach people and connect to them so it is a win win situation.
The New Rules of Marketing and PR
(Don't miss the giveaway at the bottom of this post!) Marketing, advertising, PR have all been irreversibly impacted by the rise of user generated content, social media, social networks and blogs. Chances are, as a TypePad blogger, you are already well aware of this. Chances are that you're alre...
Katherine Lia is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
I like the focus on getting to know the community I am attracting. I am not techy suave so having to learn a whole new way is not so fun for me. I would love to have my posts show up on facebook and twitter except I have looked everywhere and cannot figure out how to set that up. See what i mean? I get nervous and frustrated with all this stuff and it stops me from moving forward, which is not good for anybody.
~Katherine Lia
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