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Karyn Poore
Recent Activity
This looks like something my friend CANDY would love!!! :)
Did anyone say Steampunk? Hmmm, thought that might get your attention!
I have been waiting ever so patiently for this moment, as a matter of fact I think I dreamed about this since I was a little girl. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that someday this dream of clocks, gears, airships, dress forms and corsets would come true! I don't know about you but my...
Karyn Poore is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Congratulations Gma! LOL. Please drive safely and give new baby a big kiss for us!
Who Can Sleep??!!!!
Here we are at the Shilo, bags unpacked, toiletries stages, beds have been jumped on, time to go to bed. Who can sleep??!! We are so excited for our new bundle of joy to arrive tomorrow morning. Madalyn keeps talking about her sissy coming in the morning!! She's finally decided to 'camp out'...
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