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Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings
United States
mother, writer, photographer, reporter, wife, follower of Christ.
Interests: Writing, photography, scrapbooking, music, life in general. :-)
Recent Activity
Lisa recently invited you to join StumbleUpon. Come discover great photos, videos, web pages, and more, recommended just for you. After you join, you'll be able to easily discover your friends' favorite sites and share your finds with each other. Join Now > And see what you're missing! StumbleUpon is a discovery engine that finds the best of the web, recommended just for you. Learn more If you do not wish to receive emails sent by StumbleUpon, please click here © StumbleUpon 2001 - 2011 Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2011 at Boondock Ramblings
Lisa recently invited you to join StumbleUpon. Come discover great photos, videos, web pages, and more, recommended just for you. After you join, you'll be able to easily discover your friends' favorite sites and share your finds with each other. Join Now > And see what you're missing! StumbleUpon is a discovery engine that finds the best of the web, recommended just for you. Learn more If you do not wish to receive emails sent by StumbleUpon, please click here © StumbleUpon 2001 - 2011 Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2011 at Boondock Ramblings
I have a new address and a new feed, which means you may need to change my address in your Google reader..the feed is ... The feed should be propogating, but apparently it is not for some reason! Continue reading
Posted Oct 8, 2010 at Boondock Ramblings
Where oh where have I been? Well, I've been trying to be technical. Computer savvy. And. . .I've failed. Really and truly. I've been trying to switch from Typepad to Wordpress and I may, eventually, get there. So far only my business blog is on Wordpress. This blog is still on Typepad because I'm working on transferring my domain from one host to another. Pain in the butt for sure. It's been quite a journey and one that seems to take up my free time -- in addition to editing photographs from a wedding this weekend, planning for a couple more photo sessions later this week, and trying to brace myself for the cold weather that is sure to come by the end of October. Don't even get me started on how the stores around here have completely skipped Halloween and are already on to Christmas. Yes, seriously. Halloween stuff... Continue reading
Posted Sep 28, 2010 at Boondock Ramblings
Yeah, it would be good to have two. We'll have to get on that. :-) To: [email protected]
Toggle Commented Sep 25, 2010 on Play with me? at Boondock Ramblings
1 reply
Thank you!
Toggle Commented Sep 24, 2010 on Play with me? at Boondock Ramblings
1 reply
It's been weird since we lost our child care. Weird as in, Jonathan doesn't have enough exposure to other children and because of that he demands that Mommy and Daddy "play!" We try, we really do. But sometimes we just don't play "right." We're told a lot "not that way!" and "His arm go like dis!" Playing with my toddler can be very stressful, time consuming and a bit overwhelming. But it's worth it. Because soon --- too soon -- he won't even let me play. Hosted by Cecily and Lolli P.S. Just let to you know, if you don't see me around her or on your blog for a bit I will be back. I have a lot going on (all good, none bad. Nothing too exciting either, but just some photography things, work things and changing my blog host things). I will be back more in full swing... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2010 at Boondock Ramblings
I think some of the people with sticks up their butts about taking free food need to relax. If the person I'm interviewing offers it and insists, then yes, I will welcome myself to free food. Where I work it is more rude to not accept. Our competition never accepts and instead they look standoffish and stuck up, which is fine for me because then my newspaper gets more biz. :-)
Toggle Commented Sep 23, 2010 on #3 free food at STUFF JOURNALISTS LIKE
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Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings added a favorite at STUFF JOURNALISTS LIKE
Sep 23, 2010
Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings is now following Christopher Ortiz
Sep 23, 2010
The ending is true....we've all done it. It's the only way to cope it seems. Though I've never told a dead baby joke. Only written their obituaries.
Toggle Commented Sep 23, 2010 on #59 dead baby jokes at STUFF JOURNALISTS LIKE
1 reply
I turned 33 this past weekend. Ugh. I know you are only as old as you feel, but it does not help the quest to feel young when your three year old keeps telling you, "Mama, you farted" and then laughs or when he laughs and points when you slip and fall in the grass at your parents; or when a five year old at the playground points and says, "Look at this fat lady go down the slide!" More and more I am appreciating the old saying, "Children should be seen and not heard." And by children, I mean from the moment they start talking, right through to their teen years, and maybe even beyond. I decided I was officially old in the last couple of weeks when I started shaking my head and mumbling "Teenagers today. . ." after visits to the local playgrounds with my son ended... Continue reading
Posted Sep 21, 2010 at Boondock Ramblings
I guess I didn't cry when Jonathan went to preschool for the first time two weeks ago because I had to work that day. I didn't have to come home to an empty house where it would have hit me that my little boy was not there because he is growing up so fast it is making my head spin. So, I hadn't really cried about it yet. He's been loving preschool, no tears about going, talks about it when I come home from work and after Hubby goes into work (yes, we seem to see less and less of each other these days). It's all good from what I can tell and that makes me more comfortable about it all. Friday I came home from my longer day of work, the only one I work a full eight hours. Hubby had been cleaning all day and was running through... Continue reading
Posted Sep 17, 2010 at Boondock Ramblings
I am not quitting yet...just a bit down...but then today I Heard from two more
Toggle Commented Sep 17, 2010 on Patience is not my virtue at Boondock Ramblings
1 reply
The hardest thing about waiting is the waiting. I am just not a patient person. Never have been. I don't like waiting. I don't like the saying "Good things come to those who wait." It drives me up the wall. Why do I have to wait for something good to happen? It makes me want to scream. Yet, I've been waiting a lot lately. I've been "patiently" plugging along on my photography business; trying to get the word out that I exist. See those quotes around the word 'patiently?' They are there because it is totally not true. I have not been patient. I have been been grumpy, annoyed, frustrated, aggravated, jealous, seething, and depressed. I feel like I take two steps forward and eight back. I feel like I am moving in mud, like business is trickling in like drops of water out of a leaky faucet. And it... Continue reading
Posted Sep 15, 2010 at Boondock Ramblings
Nope, that is NOT what was happening! :-) Hi Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings, Gretchen has left you a comment: HA! I like to think she was just trying to hold her up and keep her from falling. Great pictures! Status: Published Options: Unpublish
Toggle Commented Sep 15, 2010 on Sisterly think at Boondock Ramblings
1 reply
Jonathan announced he had to go to the bathroom and as usual he wanted me to go with him. He said he needed the light on, but I told him he could reach it. I walked with him, went through our laundry room and said, "OK. Now you turn the light on." "No," he said sharply with his back to me. "You turn the light on." "Excuse me?" I said. He turned toward me and said with a sigh, "Pleeease." I flicked the light switch and said, "You better watch your mouth, mister." "You watch your mouth," he snarled from the bathroom as I walked away. I stomped back into the bathroom. "Excuse me?" I stood over him with my hands on my hip. I wasn't letting this slide. "You don't speak to me that way. Do you understand?" "I sowry," he said almost immediately, looking at least a little... Continue reading
Posted Sep 13, 2010 at Boondock Ramblings
I am so behind in my mama bloggin' duties, seriously. I am a bit obsessed right now with trying to start a photography business. . . wait, what? What do you mean that's what I've been rambling about for like six months why haven't I started the dang thing already? Oh..well...anyhow. . . On to my mama bloggin' duties. No, my kid did not have a birthday which I forgot to blog about. That's another couple months away. Instead, my 3-year old started preschool last week. I braced myself for tears, fits and absolute breakdowns. Good thing I did too because Hubby and I both were a total mess. The toddler on the other hand was fine. (Here he is saying something like, 'Dad, seriously, I'm fine. . .) He was so fine he's now upset that he can only attended classes two days a week for half a day.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 12, 2010 at Boondock Ramblings
Holly: Sure thing! Thanks for stopping by! Lisa from Boondock Ramblings and Gladwynn Photography To: [email protected]
1 reply
What do you mean, "think" we know everything right now? :-) To: [email protected]
1 reply
We were in the car when a song came on the radio. One of the verses was about Jesus dying and rising again. I didn't think Jonathan was listening until I heard, "Jesus died?" He seemed shocked. Here we had been talking about Jesus all along and now it turns out the man is dead? "Um...yes...but he rose again. He came back to life," I told him, not sure how much more to explain. "Oh," he said and then he was quiet. Later that day, Hubby's sister called to tell me Hubby's grandmother had passed away. We knew it was coming, but it was still so sad. I rushed from my parents to where we live, about 45 minutes away, and found that the family had left the personal care home. I drove to Hubby's grandfather's and found him and Hubby's mother outside the house with Grandpa's extremely fat (and... Continue reading
Posted Sep 8, 2010 at Boondock Ramblings
Yes..he was full of them.
1 reply
Thank you. That was fun to do!
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I don't think so.
1 reply
THank you. He was.
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