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Jessica Levitt
Interests: travel, design, home decorating, costuming, parenting, sewing, baking, quilting, event design, ballroom and latin dance, and making pretty stuff
Recent Activity
Hi Writing For Daisies- You didn’t leave an email so I could’t reply directly to you. To make the yarn gallons you dip lengths of yarn in a 50% white glue, 50% water solution and wrap them around the balloons. When dry, pop the balloon and remove it. It’s a messy, time-consuming task, but not that difficult. Good luck! Jess Jessica Levitt my blog: my book, Modern Mix: On Nov 5, 2014, at 12:47 AM, Typepad wrote: A new comment from was received on the post 173: unicorns and rainbows party part 1: the details of the blog Juicy Bits. Comment: -------- So beautiful! I clicked the link for the yarn-wrapped balloons, but it didnt work. Took me to a generic page and a search came up empty. Can you tell me how you made them? You are so talented! Commenter name: Commenter email: Not Shared Commenter URL: IP address: Authentication: Comment Actions: ---------------- Publish this comment: Delete this comment: Mark this comment as spam: Edit this comment: Enjoy! The Typepad Team P.S.: Learn more about replying to comments:
Its coming soon I promise. :) Im remaking it right now and the directions are already done and being tested... Glad you like it! Jess Jessica Levitt Sent from my iPad
Toggle Commented Apr 4, 2013 on 222: Pixel Pop at Juicy Bits
Hi Rachael. :) Yes, Im real, but Im willing to bet my life is more of a hot mess than yours. I just go off on these little tangents and do them up right, but meanwhile it takes me 4 weeks just to paint one piece of furniture and my studio is so messy Im now sewing in the dining room. I wish you were in my neighborhood too! Im pretty sure most of my neighbors drove by and turned their nose up at my movie screen... but no one called the police or anything so its all good. Jess Jessica Levitt my blog: my book, Modern Mix:
Toggle Commented Jul 26, 2012 on 210: backyard movie night at Juicy Bits
Jo- Super-easy table runner. Its just cut from a roll of black paper and I used thin white tape (less than 1/2 wide) to make the dashed line. My dad had the paper roll on hand, so I dont know exactly where to tell you to buy some... hope that helps! Jess Jessica Levitt my blog: my book, Modern Mix:
Hi Erica. Sorry I cant make one. I cant get any more of the fur and it so long to make that it would be very expensive. Thanx for the interest. Jess Jessica Levitt my blog: my book, Modern Mix:
Toggle Commented Mar 11, 2012 on 41: best costume ever at Juicy Bits
Ack! How lame am I that I didnt have the date on there...and sorry this is such late notice. Ill be in Haddonfield tonight. Id love it if you can make it. It should be a nice night in the town... sorry about that! Oh, but Ill also be in the Medford area (evesham?) for a quilt show on the 22nd from noon to 2. Ill be signing in the Village Quilters booth. I can give you more details later... Also, were starting a NJ Modern Quilt Guild! Were going to have a first organizational meeting at Pennington Quilts on the night of Oct. 25th (7:00 I think). Then meeting will probably be the first tuesday of each month starting in the new year. I know Pennington is a bit of a drive for you, but its the same for me. If I dont see you at the signings it would be fun to finally meet in person! I think the guild is going to be a lot of fun... jess Jessica Levitt my blog: my book, Modern Mix:
Toggle Commented Oct 7, 2011 on 191: places you can stalk me at Juicy Bits
Thanx Crystal! jess Jessica Levitt my blog: my book, Modern Mix:
Toggle Commented Oct 7, 2011 on 192: it starts tomorrow at Juicy Bits
Yay for Harry Potter! I'm reading them again with my daughter and she's totally into it. I'll be transforming the house into Hogwarts for her birthday in september. How many robes do you think I can sew before then?
1 reply
Elle- I do hope to share more about the process online, but in the mean time, to give you an idea, you do not need to have the projects done to submit a proposal. Every author does their own format, but you can show drawing etc. But its a good idea to have some done or at least a portfolio of your work to share with them. If you get a book deal, they will do all the photography so dont worry about that. But if you are doing step-by-step how-tos youll need to make extra pieces that show each step so they can take them. If you go to the Stash website they have guidlines for submitting a proposal: Good luck! jess Jessica Levitt my blog: my book, Modern Mix:
Toggle Commented May 26, 2011 on 181: big news at Juicy Bits
Hi Cindy. You can download it right on the post, but Ive attached it anyway. Have fun! jess
Toggle Commented Apr 14, 2011 on 131: give a hoot for the holidays at Juicy Bits
Hi Andrew. Yes, I will bring some to the next meeting. Id better have it by then. Im glad you said the quilt looks like stained glass cause that was the plan. I think Im calling it Prairie Glass. But, oh, those 1/2 strips are going to be a pain to sew accurately! thanx. jess
Toggle Commented Mar 30, 2011 on 178: introducing...Kingdom at Juicy Bits
Hi Jenny. The rainbow is from Not cheap but a great wholesome toy. :) jess
Thanx Melody! jess
Toggle Commented Mar 1, 2011 on 175: I've been busy... at Juicy Bits
Hi Elicia- No, the overhang will definitely be different. Thats the trickiest part. I wish I had some math formula to tell you, but really I had to do it by trial and error. If youre binding it with a thin binding like a regular quilt, you dont really do any overhang. Thats because the width of your finished binding is about the same as the seam allowance you are sewing. Wish I could be more help. jess
Toggle Commented Nov 23, 2010 on 84: baby blanket gift set - part 1 at Juicy Bits
I think it might be my most favoritest of your lines too. Gorgeous. Congrats, Bari. I don't know how you do it all.
1 reply
Heather- You didnt share your email so I cant email you back directly, but hopefully youll see this. On the big signs I think I printed out the words on my computer and then cut them out to make a stencil. I used that to trace the letters on the signs with a marker and then painted inside the lines. I couldnt keep it from bleeding just using it as a regular stencil, So it was time consuming. As for the cookies: I have a shortbread like recipe I use that keeps the shape well. You can make them ahead and freeze them. I actually froze them decorated, but I dont recommend that...they kinda looked crackled and worn. (which was OK in this case). I use a royal icing type frosting (basically powdered sugar with a little corn syrup and milk in it). You just need bags and 2 tips (small circle and medium circle). The key is to outline first and then go back with a slightly thinner frosting to fill it in. It will spread and fill nicely. I hope that helps! jess
yeah, so I'm a little behind on the blog reading. But, yay, for Kay using my fabrics for a sample. If only I had been able to see it in person at quilt market...
1 reply
Love it, Bari. Different and so very you. Have fun at market...
Toggle Commented May 18, 2010 on Quilt Market Sneaky Peeky at Bari J.
1 reply
Thanx Jennifer. My profile pic is only about a year old now, so not too bad. I guess we all think the wrinkles etc are more obvious than they are... jess
Toggle Commented May 17, 2010 on 152: 9 years at Juicy Bits
Nope, I wish I was going to market. Ive been busy with other projects (top secret...shhhh...) so Im just finishing up the collection now. It will debut in October and not be in store til next year. jess
Toggle Commented May 7, 2010 on 151: starting and stopping at Juicy Bits
Thats what I tell myself mind just works faster than everyone else. :) jess
Toggle Commented Mar 29, 2010 on 148: roller coaster in my mind at Juicy Bits
Hi Lyz. I meant to tell you thanx for the suggestions. I just watched Bright Star and I think the Pride and Prejudice you mentioned will be next. Then Little Dorrit. Now that Im not sick I dont really have an excuse to stay in bed and watch these all day....bummer... jess
Toggle Commented Mar 25, 2010 on 147: peer pressure at Juicy Bits
Jessica Levitt is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Wow, lookin great Bari. Still in awe of how quickly you did this even if you said you had the patterns basically done for a while. There's still a ton of details to see to. I am SO asking you for help when/if I get into doing patterns... Congrats!
Toggle Commented Feb 23, 2010 on When you ask for help... at Bari J.
1 reply
How adorable. I love the heart. And your daughter is precious. If you have a Flikr account Id love for you to share it with everyone in the Juicy Bits group: Thanx! jess
Toggle Commented Feb 22, 2010 on 32: C is for crown at Juicy Bits