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Candice Aiston
Portland, Oregon
Helping families and businesses to plan for the future, making sure that their eyes are wide open and that their voices are always heard.
Interests: gardening, wine, law, learning, health and wellness, cooking, reading, writing, sewing, spending time with my family, the environment, being outdoors, natural family living, making beer, and anything fermented, respectful parenting, seeing the world through the eyes of my magical children
Recent Activity
I got this question on my Facebook page, and I’m not entirely clear about whether the question was meant to be about business planning or estate planning, but it’s a great question either way, so I’m going to make this... Continue reading
Should someone who doesn't have "an estate" really worry about estate planning? The answer is YES. I really want to dispel the myth that estate planning is about taking care of your stuff. Estate planning is about taking care of... Continue reading
Hello, Small Business Owner, did my headline make your heart skip a beat? Good. That means you aren’t about to live in denial and pretend that your livelihood isn’t at risk every day you run a business without the proper... Continue reading
Breaking the news you want a divorce is hard for anyone and it is important to plan some things out before you announce you want a divorce. In my experience, largely because of how our social standards teach women to... Continue reading
Everybody always assumes that Medicare is going to pay for the nursing home, until they find out that Medicare only pays for up to a few months after a hospital stay. It's not meant to pay for long-term care. This... Continue reading
Don’t be like 78% of people who forget to do this ONE vital thing before leaving…... Here’s a handy checklist of items you should be planning NOW for your summer vacation. Hotel reservation Airline tickets Rental car Pet sitter Trip... Continue reading
A very common scenario that married people face is when they own a house, but one spouse is not on title. What will happen with the property when the owner-spouse dies? The answer to this question assumes that there is... Continue reading
Have you felt a nagging desire to get your finances in order for the past few years? Have you made resolutions every New Year, only to put them on the back burner when life happens? Many of us have done... Continue reading
Have you ever wondered if you are doing right by your clients in how you have them take title to their new home or rental property? It’s a situation I encounter all the time as an estate planning attorney. You... Continue reading
From time to time, I come across a situation in which a client has had an LLC or other business entity set up by a CPA or Financial Advisor. Usually, the lawyer was going to charge $2000 or so, and... Continue reading
As of February 1, 2015, all non-professional guardians, conservators, trustees and personal representatives appointed by the Multnomah County Circuit Court must, within 15 days of their appointment date, register for a class that meets the curriculum requirements of the Multnomah... Continue reading
Super melty. Love it.
Toggle Commented Feb 18, 2013 on 6 months at Mamazen
If you have an aging parent, then you have, undoubtedly, thought about their estate planning needs. You have probably considered: ~That mom and dad need a will or trust that says how their property will be distributed after their deaths;... Continue reading
There comes a time in every parent's life when their teenager officially becomes an adult. Many of those parents are sending their 18-year-olds off to college this fall. (And truly, I am frightened about this event, which will happen in... Continue reading
I want to tell you a secret. Each and every one of you has certain legal rights, but many of them don't matter. I first realized this when I watched the movie Liar, Liar, starring Jim Carrey. There's a scene... Continue reading
I had a major a-ha moment this week when I watched a video about estate planning at a web show called The Intentional Parent. It hit me that this is what estate planning is all about: Intentional Parenting, or Parenting... Continue reading
Have you felt a nagging desire to get your finances in order for the past few years? Have you made resolutions every New Year, only to put them on the back burner when life happens? Many of us have done... Continue reading
ATTENTION PARENTS: Did you know that almost 75% of you don't have any estate planning in place? Even more shocking is that for the 25% or so that do, you have likely made at least one of nine common mistakes... Continue reading
This past Sunday, I saw on the news that a pillar of our community passed away suddenly at age 38 of a heart attack, leaving behind a wife and 5 children. This man leaves behind a legacy of helping many... Continue reading