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Colorado Springs
I am an artist with a degree in design. Through the years, I have had the pleasure of working with such firms as Chromalloy, CPI Corporation and Personalized Interiors as decorator, designer, draftsman, and illustrator. Married 28 years, I am the wife of a now retired officer of the United States Navy.
Interests: beading, the theater, embroidering, light sewing, i love the arts; museums, concerts and the ballet. i enjoy working with washi, cooking and gardening. i work in mixed media, creating collage and fabric crafting. when i have the time, i enjoy painting. water color and acrylics are my favorite medium. in the past few years i have taken an interest in the internet. joining clubs and swaps, i have made many wonderful new friends and have been exposed to a whole new world of blogging. and, now that i have found this internet world, i thought i might try my hand at an on line shop.....and so the blue nest was created