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Lenore Buth
Northern California
I'm a Christian wife, mother and grandmother who's fascinated by life and people and excited to see what tomorrow brings.
Interests: Our family, music, art, reading, and, being part of our faith community.
Recent Activity
Take Another Look at the "Good Old Days"
Some people wish they lived in "simpler times." They picture themselves reclining on couches or sitting on cool wraparound porches, sipping cool lemonade. It must have been idyllic, they tell themselves. But was it? Maybe not. Years ago our family visited a museum where I picked up a small souvenir parchment, an exact copy of one pioneer mother's laundry instructions to her soon-to-be-married daughter. Mama's Wash Receipt 1. Bild a fire in back yard to heet kettle of rain rater.... Continue reading
Posted May 23, 2024 at A WOMAN'S VIEW ~ Lenore Buth
Parenting Is the Lifelong Personal Growth Opportunity
Moms and dads don't need to sign up for personal growth classes because our "education" goes on and on. On the other hand, some don't quite get it. Right? Picture the scene: the Misses Clothing department of a large suburban store. I was looking through a sale rack when a nicely-dressed, thirtyish woman in stiletto heels came up. She was pushing a stroller at a leisurely pace, in which sat a boy, maybe age 2 1/2. He was in mid-meltdown.... Continue reading
Posted May 10, 2024 at A WOMAN'S VIEW ~ Lenore Buth
Get Your Eyes Off That "Flyspeck" and Live!
Have you ever looked up to the ceiling of a room and spotted a flyspeck you never noticed before? Right away it's as if the rest of the room didn't matter because that FLYSPECK blotted out everything else. Think of that "flyspeck" as an example of how a small concern easily can become the only thing one can think about. Learning along the way I wasted years fighting the tendency to get hung up on small annoyances and faults I... Continue reading
Posted Apr 25, 2024 at A WOMAN'S VIEW ~ Lenore Buth
Yes, You Can Have a Marriage That Lasts
A lot of people believe the very idea of keeping love alive--and thriving--over the years is an impossible dream. Not true. From what I've observed over the years what's needed most is that each marriage partner does their best to keep their marriage Priority One. How does that play out in practical terms? Something like this: 1. Check how you look at life Because you two are building a life and a future together, think "we" instead of "me." Abandon... Continue reading
Posted Oct 3, 2023 at A WOMAN'S VIEW ~ Lenore Buth
Do You Want a Better Tomorrow? Start Here
It's surprising, but the true basics of making life better often sound too simple. I found that to be true back when I was a young mother trying to hold it all together. No matter how hectic the day, I never missed one syndicated column in our daily newspaper: "The Worry Clinic," written by a Dr. George Crane. All I knew about "Dr. Crane" was what the tiny blurb at the bottom stated, that he was a licensed, professional counselor.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2023 at A WOMAN'S VIEW ~ Lenore Buth
Let's Be True to Who We Are
When you look into a mirror who looks back at you? Is it you as you really are or is it the person you think you should be? This may seem a silly question, especially since it's a given that every one of us keeps growing and changing all through our lives--until one considers how many people rate their self-worth on the number of "likes" they get on social media. It's as if one's value as a person depends on... Continue reading
Posted Jul 17, 2023 at A WOMAN'S VIEW ~ Lenore Buth
You and I were blessed, Dana. I love your dad's phrase: "The fair only comes once a year in July."
When we were kids that sounded so uncaring, didn't it? Yet what a necessary bit of balance to keep on our back burners so we don't fall apart when our "perfect" plans fall apart.
Did your parents tell you, "Life is hard"? Count yourself lucky!
Many experts think that phrase should be banished forever because how can a child or young person develop a positive self-image if they get fed discouragement? This theory was not always considered mainstream. When I was growing up, for example, we youngsters understood the meaning of "Life is h...
Everyday struggles: Millstone or stepping stone?
The first word stops us, doesn't it? Everyday struggles. Life is full of things (and people) that get in the way of easy days and a trouble-free life. What matters most is how we label our experiences--in the moment or years later--and that's up to us. Take hardship, for example. At any age or stage of life, hardship is real--and it's hard. Some who experienced it seem unable to move past an inability to cope with the ordinary ups and... Continue reading
Posted Jan 26, 2023 at A WOMAN'S VIEW ~ Lenore Buth
Why what's being taught in our schools matters to ALL of us
Some of us assume what's being taught in the schools needn't concern us unless we have children still attending. Are you sure? Today's schoolkids will be tomorrow's adults. Tomorrow's leaders in every community and in every level of government. What these children learn in school and adopt as their personal values today will determine how they will live--and lead--tomorrow. That kid on the corner who "drives you crazy" today may grow up to be President tomorrow. (And you may still... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2022 at A WOMAN'S VIEW ~ Lenore Buth
Thanks, Jake. I'll always be thankful that God gave me insight and the faith to believe that His purpose for one spouse always contains blessings for the other, as well. Sometimes we wait awhile and often we're surprised by the "how" of it but He never abandons us. And yes, we will grow through this experience and that's always a good thing.
Does the Bible still matter in our time?
After all, it dates back over centuries. How could the Bible still be relevant today? This may sound like a logical question to many. I got a lesson in the "how" of it when my husband got a job promotion that kept the man I loved smiling from morning to night. Why wouldn't he? For years he had ...
Thanks, Dana! To know what I wrote is meaningful to a reader fuels me to keep writing this blog--and I mean that. I miss you, too! Lenore
You Can Stay Strong If Disaster Comes
Every day of every year newscasters report the latest bad news of the day. Tornadoes. Floods. Fires. Most often disasters occur far distant from our daily lives, so we can breathe a sigh of relief. So we pray for the victims and we also thank God, especially if the "whatever" is far enough awa...
A fresh take on "Love your neighbor"
Sometimes a slight twist of our perspective leads to major changes. That happened to my husband and me the week our entire family went to summer camp on the shore of Lake Michigan. At the time we lived on and operated a dairy and grain farm, with all the constant responsibility that implies, plus we had four lively children. Between cows and crops and kids, both of us were running on fumes by July and needed a break. Needed time.... Continue reading
Posted Jun 18, 2022 at A WOMAN'S VIEW ~ Lenore Buth
Will the real meaning of Easter please stand up?
What an odd mixture of Easter symbols we have in America...and probably all over the world. Bunnies, butterflies, baby chicks, eggs, flowers and green grass, chocolates in foil wrappings. And once in awhile, a picture of a man hanging on a wooden cross. But hey, isn't Easter really all about Spring and everything greening up, blooming, growing? No, not really. The deeper meaning of Easter Easter traces back to the life and death of a man called Jesus, who was... Continue reading
Posted Apr 7, 2022 at A WOMAN'S VIEW ~ Lenore Buth
Do you really know your role models?
Have you ever considered the influence other people--real or imagined--have on how you think and how you live? It's worth thinking about because such individuals easily become our role models. After that comes trying to measure up to them. What we forget is that most of the time what we see is a carefully staged image. We already know that's true with celebrities, but we may not factor that in once we get on social media. Even when we don't... Continue reading
Posted Jan 28, 2022 at A WOMAN'S VIEW ~ Lenore Buth
Thanks, Karen! It's all about walking by faith and trusting God, isn't it?
11 Reasons to Bring Your Kids to Church
Okay, I get it. Your mom made you go to church and you vowed you would never do that to your children. Maybe it's time for a rethink. You may be cheating them--and yourself--by staying away. How? Let's do a rundown: Where else can kids be surrounded by grownups of all ages who smile on ...
Thanks, Dana. Just passing on what God's been teaching me over the years. Miss you, too!
Can we thank God in our hard times?
Sooner or later we discover that life is a series of highs and lows. Each of us would choose the highs and toss out the lows. If we could. Everything reminds us it's the season to rejoice, but perhaps right now it takes all we've got just to get through the day. Looking back brings sadness. ...
It's the day by day battle, isn't it? One thing I've learned is to rejoice over small victories. God bless you, too, and thanks for commenting. --Lenore
Here's the simple secret to having only good days
That sounds impossible, doesn't it? I used to think so, too. Then one day what I considered an inconvenience turned out to be pure blessing. There I was, stuck in a line of shoppers waiting to check out at a local warehouse store. As usual, the place teemed with shoppers. Most of us were...
Glad my words blessed you, Dana, that's always my prayer. Love you and miss you, too!
Let's remember who we are as a nation--and tell our kids
If asked to name a one-word description of what sets the good old USA apart most of us would answer, "Freedom." Most of us take our freedom as Americans for granted. Why wouldn't we? Freedom is like the air we breathe: Always there. Perhaps that's why we forget freedom isn't free and therefor...
Tame the "turkeys" in your life
They're all around us, the people who drag us down and leave us mired in their words. Or attitudes. Some of us call them turkeys--and don't ask me why. It might be a neighbor or friend who harps on the same gripes, time after time. Or it could might be someone seated beside you and for whatever reason, you can't escape. It could even be (gasp!) someone in your family. A number of turkeys have their own talk shows, either... Continue reading
Posted Aug 16, 2021 at A WOMAN'S VIEW ~ Lenore Buth
Look at our foundation to assess the lasting strength
What are your thoughts when you see a flag flying, whether outside a home or at any public place? It seems that many consider the flag a visual offense, wherever it is--just by being there. And they're not all young, not all "radical," or whatever convenient label might come to mind. An area realtor told of a recent experience with an older married couple who were looking for a house. Both were Caucasian and judging by their clothing and their... Continue reading
Posted Jul 1, 2021 at A WOMAN'S VIEW ~ Lenore Buth
Take a fresh look at dear old Dad
Fathers come in all shapes and sizes and all personalities. One thing is common to all: Even the best of them have--or had--flaws because, well, they're human beings. Some dads provide for their family and are physically present, but they remain detached emotionally. Others live with one goal: Provide for their family and give them what they need, plus surround them with love. Perhaps the man who reared you and did his best to love you wasn't your "natural father,"... Continue reading
Posted Jun 11, 2021 at A WOMAN'S VIEW ~ Lenore Buth
So where is God? How can I know he is FOR me?
Many of us aren't sure about the answer. You know the kind of questions I mean. "Okay, if there really is a God, why would I think he cares about me?" "From what I know of God, he is more about Dos and Don'ts than about caring for ordinary people like me." "Don't talk to me about God. Not when innocent people get shot while walking down the street or riding their bikes. Not with little kids getting abused and... Continue reading
Posted May 27, 2021 at A WOMAN'S VIEW ~ Lenore Buth
Be sure you know the source of the labels you wear
Have you ever identified with a fable or an old folk tale and been surprised by a flash of insight into your life? I have. I think this might be one of those. The story goes that somehow an eagle's egg got mixed in with the chicken eggs in a nest. The mama hen seemed not to notice. To her an egg was an egg. Period. So she sat contentedly on her nest, waiting for THE day her eggs would... Continue reading
Posted Feb 18, 2021 at A WOMAN'S VIEW ~ Lenore Buth
Are you yearning for something to lift your mood?
Have you "had it up to here" with all things connected with the Covid 19 pandemic? Most of us would shout, "Yes!" Collectively and individually, we need a lift. Something like a catchy song that gets us all singing along and tapping our feet to its rhythm would help. That's what Harold Arlen and Johnny Mercer gave our Nation in 1944. Exhausted Americans were scraping bottom. World War II had dragged on since the December 7, 1941, surprise bombing raid... Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2021 at A WOMAN'S VIEW ~ Lenore Buth
Right now many of us are mourning a deep loss
We're grieving the loss of what we believed America is all about. That a mob would batter their way into our U.S. Capitol building makes us heartsick. "This is America!" we want to scream. "That does not happen here! Except it did. On January 6, 2021. Many of the folks in that mob no doubt considered themselves "good people," who were upholding truth, justice and what is right. Reportedly, many were Christians. Yet everyone with even a smidgen of Bible... Continue reading
Posted Jan 8, 2021 at A WOMAN'S VIEW ~ Lenore Buth
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