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Retired living in the Ozarks. Lover of nature, especially birds and bunnies. We have them and many more animals to watch. Even snakes, like them dead. Sorry had to be truthful. I am a cancer survivor.
Interests: helping others, weblogs, laughing out loud, rughooking, granddaughters, southern gospel music, blue grass music, camping with the girls, extreme home makeover
Recent Activity
Great post Dana,I travel through Greenwood when I visit my daughter in Leawood. Loved the dog. Your post office sits where my elementary school used to be Bristol School. I was born and raised in Indep, came to Warsaw 19 years ago. We have a great wool store and tea room here in Warsaw.
Katie Stockton Paxton
This week Patty and I decided we needed a little get-a-way, so Stella (my house guest from England) and I picked her up and headed for Greenwood, Missouri! Greenwood has several antique shops and a great tea room. It has long been one of our favorite places to visit. Our starting point was Th...
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