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Elke Nominikat
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Ah... too sweet! Thanks so much :) xoxo
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I still like this movie, even a couple of days later...
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I am glad to see you picking up on my new segment :D - As for FGTH, never was a huge fan, but certainly loved all their big hits. "Relax" played in every club you went to, not just in our small town "Disco" but also the "Rock" place, speaks then for itself!
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This all is nothing new to me since you and I are discussing these topics on a regular basis. Always interesting, sometimes even quite emotional. Took me a while to embrace facebook or twitter but do now and can see their purpose. With one opinion though I'd like to stay strong though: I find it boring if people update THE VERY SAME stuff to facebook AND twitter. Gimme a break please! Be original! Don't be a marketer pestering your clients with the same message over and over again. It doesn't get better that way! So for me it's all about how to use these possibilities without being boring and without spamming others. THAT's the challenge!
Toggle Commented Apr 30, 2009 on Is social media worth the time? at NYDiscovery
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Not sure what has happened with American Idol or better yet the audience who's watching the show. No love for woman?!?! :( - I am a bit angry with the judges because there were at least 3 really cool girls whom they didn't even consider after "Hollywood Week". Nonetheless, I admittedly can't wait to see Adam Lambert next week again, and yes, I will vote for Allison. Promised. As for Depeche Mode... Would be cool to see them once again. But and that's a big BUT I am not willing to pay USD 129 or more dollars per ticket just to see them from somewhere high above. While Depeche Mode delivers such an awesome show where everybody can karaoke in, it's just no fun anymore. Let's go to 5 club concerts for that money instead. Possibly even more than that. I much rather support local music or smaller indie bands since I've seen all the BIG bands I've always wanted to see in my life. Maybe one or two are still missing - The Strokes come to mind - but who knows when and if they ever play again.
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Typepad, our paid service, never remembers my login but that rant is besides the point. You're spot on with your statement that paying for an actual service, is absolutely worth it. It's such a pleasure of not seeing advertisement that I don't understand why not more people at Fotolog for example upgrade for a "Gold Camera", the paid subscription. Having your own presence on the web without forcing your visitors or yourself to constantly get overwhelmed by blinking content in eye hurting color-combinations should be worth a couple of extra bucks. I for one very much enjoy my Rhapsody music subscription because that way I can listen to the music I want without getting any commercial interruptions. Would I pay for the New York Times archive online? Certainly! Will I upgrade to a pro account any time soon? Most likely! And will I continue to enjoy having the iTunes store at my finger tips, while sitting at the sofa? N no doubt about it! Let's just hope that all these subscriptions remain "reasonable", meaning a couple of dollars, because even a couple of $$$ can add up very quickly. On the flip side, I am glad that we don't have to clog our site with just to earn 11.30 per month. Look what facebook is currently doing. Who ever looks at the right hand site? Anybody? -- Elke
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You absolutely nailed it! There wasn't enough time to develop these characters. They were boring. And what upset me the most was the ending. *SPOILER ALERT* Why did Richard Gere's character had to die under such unbelievable circumstances? The was it with this movie!
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Well said. I think, I enjoyed Iron Man even more than you did. I was surprised about HOW much I enjoyed it. The story was compelling, the action sequences short enough, good acting and just enough goofiness that I could handle it. I also might have disliked The Woman more than you did because it really, really bugs me to see Meg Ryan playing the same role over and over again. Also, the whole thing with curly hair and being sloppy, straight hair and being the career women - gimme a break...
Toggle Commented Jan 21, 2009 on A quick 2008 movie review at NYDiscovery
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Now I also understand our process :) - Funny enough, today I documented a work process on our company wiki and felt really good about it. (No, nothing to blog about, then again, it might became a topic, thinking of it...) - I am looking forward to getting a few more thoughts on this one in :)
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You're not alone, Oliver! I feel like a big weight has been taken off my chest when I see Obama's picture in the papers. It can only change to the better although it won't be easy, at least not for everybody. The other new phenomenon that you've pointed out, the shared state of misery that occurred so suddenly is silly. What's up with all the worry? When did ever something get better by worrying? It just keeps your mind busy with thoughts that you could use to create something meaningful. That's why we should enjoy what we have, explore new opportunities, never stop learning and stay happy!
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