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Eddie Ross
Recent Activity
Happy Holidays to you! See you in 2013!
E + J
Happy Holidays from Mitzi's Miscellany
Hello friends! I've had a lot of fun sifting through my boxes full of old pictures lately, and have acquired several new boxes full of vintage fun at recent auctions. I can get carried away for hours thinking of captions to go with some of the unusual family photos or individual portraits. F...
Re: [EDDIE ROSS] SouthernGirl submitted a comment to My New Column in Southern Living!
Please send me a picture [email protected] would love to help!
My New Column in Southern Living!
Speaking of new ways to use old things, I'm thrilled to announce the debut of my new flea market makeover column in this month's Southern Living! I may be a Connecticut boy, but as anyone who's ever joined me at Scott's in Atlanta or attended a lecture of mine in Little Rock, Lafayette or Richmo...
Thank you so much! It was so great meeting you too! Please send in some pictures would love to see your pretty arrangements! Enjoy this beautiful day! E
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Join us in Richmond!
We're in Richmond this week for Ivy Market, a lively and important two-day shopping event with a portion of proceeds helping to improve the lives of children battling cancer. Ever since our travel schedule compelled us to put our Etsy store on hiatus, I've been looking for new ways to share my...
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