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Vaughn Stewart
Director & Virtualization Evangelist for NetApp
Recent Activity
Kudos buddy! Looking forward to Chad 2.0.
Chuck, I agree we view the world with different lens... which is a good thing. Diverse perspectives are required to address diverse needs. Thanks for posting my comments and sharing your perspective. -- cheers, v
Toggle Commented Mar 13, 2015 on Why I Think VSAN Is So Disruptive at Chuck's Blog
== Disclaimer: Pure Storage Employee == Chuck, Hyper-converged infrastructures like VSAN (and the prepackaged version EVO:RAIL) seem ideal in addressing market needs where even the smallest storage array is a finanical burden - ala branch offices, retail locations, militarized vehicles, etc. As hyper-converged systems are comprised of a shared-nothing storage architecture they inherently laden by low storage utilization. How can you position VSAN or EVO:RAIL for enterprise-scale deployments? Doesn't their ~20% storage utilization disqualify them from AFAs that deliver greater than 300% storage utilization? I graphed out the utilization of the EMC VSPEX BLUE solution here: To reiterate, I think HCI addresses significant market needs - I just disagree with the notion that HCI can address enterprise storage needs. Customers wrestle with data center resource scarcity as much as they do with storage challenges. I look forward to your reply. -- cheer, v
Toggle Commented Mar 13, 2015 on Why I Think VSAN Is So Disruptive at Chuck's Blog
While I have no insight in to the situation that led to this post, I do believe competition can bring out the worst in some individuals. You wrote, "distrust anyone who starts talking negative about the other guy" yet I just finished reading the EMC produced document titled, "Pure's Top Ten Lies: 10 things Pure will tell you that are not true" See the irony? You are calling out the behavior of an individual who is following in the footsteps of the EMC corporate culture. Is it only OK if EMC slings the FUD? How about publicly challenging the EMC marketing and competitive teams to act like an industry leader. Ask them to fulfill your vision and lead by example. - cheers, v
Simply a fantastic post - well said Chuck -v
Well said Chuck. Innovation and Disruption being developed and released at an unprecedented pace. You have to love what's occurring in the industry.
Great write up and supporting documents. A few points of note. If you are a NFS customer, remember your medium is Ethernet and as such you can easily add iSCSI or FCoE RDMs to enable this solution. Customers interested in deploying Exchange Server on datastores connected via NFS should contact their Microsoft account team and request support. Like all vendors, Microsoft ants to take care of their customers. Lastly, with Microsoft announcing support for SMB2.2 with the forth-coming release of Hyper-V 3.0 I think it's fair to speculate that NAS is becoming more prominent and hopefully support statements will be revised sooner rather than later.
1 reply
I'd like to share with you a nice post from Glenn Sizemore, a VMware vExpert and a technical expert in our Microsoft Business Unit. He's one of the many talented folks designing Hyper-V on NetApp solutions and architectures to run... Continue reading
Posted Jul 19, 2011 at The Virtual Storage Guy
As Cisco Live comes to a close I was able to sit down with some good friends in the vSpecialist organization at EMC to share their perspectives on Cisco Live and the adoption of Cloud computing. Joining me this morning... Continue reading
Posted Jul 18, 2011 at The Virtual Storage Guy
Check out the great conversation I had with Abhinav Joshi of Cisco and Joe Onisick of WWT around our partnership, FlexPod, SMT, Automation, CVDs, and enabling partners. Thanks to Didier Rombaut of Cisco and Friea Berg of NetApp for bringing... Continue reading
Posted Jul 14, 2011 at The Virtual Storage Guy
Last September Cisco and Citrix announced the first desktop virtualization Cisco Validated Design (CVD) to help customers implement standard, repeatable architectures for XenDesktop with NetApp storage. Many saw this as an indicator that desktop virtualization was (finally!) reaching a tipping... Continue reading
Posted Jul 14, 2011 at The Virtual Storage Guy
My Cisco Live misadventures continued with Cisco FCoE product manager J Metz. This was my first time meeting J, a former university professor who these days promotes, evangelizes, and drives the development of FCoE products and technology. I've followed him... Continue reading
Posted Jul 13, 2011 at The Virtual Storage Guy
My week here in Vegas started with breakfast with Cisco’s Abhinav Joshi, VMware’s Wade Holmes, and NetApp’s Friea Berg. You probably already know this bunch from Twitter or their blogs, but for those who may not know them allow me... Continue reading
Posted Jul 13, 2011 at The Virtual Storage Guy
Feeling inspired by a conversation over lunch on day 1 of Cisco Live with Walz Group Chief Information Security Officer Bart Falzarano. In just 20 minutes Bart outlined not just his company’s architecture today but their decision process for and... Continue reading
Posted Jul 12, 2011 at The Virtual Storage Guy
On Tuesday July 12th, VMware CEO Paul Maritz and CTO Steve Herrod will announce the next generation of VMware cloud infrastructure offerings. This worldwide event titled “Raising the Bar, Part V” begins at 9:00AM PDT. The event will be broadcasted... Continue reading
Posted Jul 11, 2011 at The Virtual Storage Guy
@Forbsy - I think it's fair to say that you are asking for some clarity from NetApp around our Backup & Restore strategy. Let me know if I have misunderstood your point. SnapProtect (CommVault OEM) allows NetApp to offer an enterprise B&R solution which includes integration into our native data protection technologies like Snapshots, SnapMirror, & SnapVault for storage, application, virtual infrastructure, backup, and compliance administrators. Our existing set of B&R applications tend to only address the needs of each the administrative groups. SnapProtect allows our customers to deliver the capacity, bandwidth, and time savings of our IDP technologies in a manner that is coordinated across multiple management domains and can be extended with our partners DR automation tools. I want to apologize here, as I meant to address these discussion in a blog post or two in June and unfortunately got pulled away. I'll get back on this shortly. Thanks for sharing your feedback. Vaughn
1 reply
@Pedro - We are woking on an official release targeted for the fall. Those pesky NDAs prevent me from sharing the details here. If you need to address a misaligned ESXI environment today you should first upgrade to data Ontap 8.0.1. This release includes logic to better better handle the impact of misaligned workloads. After the upgrade you could consider a number of steps to actually align the VMDKs... Wait for the MBRAlign releasee that supports ESXi Running MBRAlign from an ESX host Using a 3rd party alignment tool Install MBRAlign in a Linux VM (btw - this model screams - its fast)
1 reply
@Fletcher - I don't have intimate knowledge around the data you are seeing with nfsstat, but I'd suggest you have an application in your VM that is creating a number of writes that are less than 4KB in size. If what I suggest is accurate there's no need to be concerned, as it is normal behavior for the application. I know you're well aware of misalignment, but please allow me to restate for those who may not be... What we want to avoid is having misaligned I/O for hundreds or thousands of VMs on an array. The inefficiency in I/O transfers due to a large mass of misaligned VMs will stress the array and lead to the eventual need to upgrade hardware. Let me know if the small writes is or is not the case. I'd be happy to engage others to continue the conversation if needed. Vaughn
1 reply
@Fletcher - I don't have intimate knowledge around the data you are seeing with nfsstat, but I'd suggest you have an application in your VM that is creating a number of writes that are less than 4KB in size. If what I suggest is accurate there's no need to be concerned, as it is normal behavior for the application. I know you're well aware of misalignment, but please allow me to restate for those who may not be... What we want to avoid is having misaligned I/O for hundreds or thousands of VMs on an array. The inefficiency in I/O transfers due to a large mass of misaligned VMs will stress the array and lead to the eventual need to upgrade hardware. Let me know if the small writes is or is not the case. I'd be happy to engage others to continue the conversation if needed. Vaughn
1 reply
Next week I’ll be supporting the NetApp team at Cisco Live. Worldwide conferences can be a somewhat of a challenge for me, as I’d like to share the buzz and news of the show in blog posts yet my schedule... Continue reading
Posted Jul 8, 2011 at The Virtual Storage Guy
From time to time I tend to overcommit myself, which results in a drop in blog posts. My sincerest apologies for the recent dip. I have number of posts and conversations I have to follow up on and to begin... Continue reading
Posted Jul 8, 2011 at The Virtual Storage Guy
I recently had an impromptu run-in with Greg Gardner, our Chief Architect for Defense Solutions in NetApp U.S. Public Sector. One of the topics we discussed was the recent resignation of the Federal CIO Vivek Kundra and how his departure... Continue reading
Posted Jun 22, 2011 at The Virtual Storage Guy
One day after sharing with you my customer engagement where we discussed provisioning 'Storage for Desktops - Simple VersusComplicated' I was informed of a post from another storage vendor that verified my premise. While my post discussed 500 desktops with... Continue reading
Posted Jun 10, 2011 at The Virtual Storage Guy
I’ve had some great meetings with a number of customers this week and in one of them they were very interested in understanding NetApp’s value proposition with VMware View. They were specifically interested in understanding how NetApp could deliver high... Continue reading
Posted Jun 8, 2011 at The Virtual Storage Guy