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Virginia Postrel
Los Angeles
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Yes, note that the guy who turns around to give the camera a good look, which I can easily imagine someone doing today, loses his hat altogether. I also recall reading somewhere that this was a popular site for men who wanted to get a look at women's legs.
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Also royalty. I saw quite a few photos of Kate and William, but I was only going to pay for Marilyn.
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Although that's an obvious attempt at SEO linking, I'm not deleting it because Tony took the trouble to actually make an amusing comment.
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Diane just shot the photos against the curtain to the dressing room, using her phone.
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You can buy patches on Etsy. The seller offers both red and burgundy (along with black and purple), but not blue: Obviously a Republican.
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If you post a seemingly legitimate comment with a link to a site about car insurance, budget trips, juice diets, or some similarly spammy item, I will just edit away your link. So don't bother.
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Jonathan Rauch wrote a good feature about the Tea Party movement as an open system:
The spelling suggests pronunciation with a short i.
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"Mic," which only became popular in the past decade or so, always looks semi-literate to me.
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Thanks for the correction. I fixed it in the interview.
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Here's a link to the auction page for the dress you liked, in case people want to see the photos:
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True of their later years (and Princess Grace provides an interesting contrast), though in the videos above, Jackie is only in her 30s. She was born in 1929.
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Fewer large dresses are donated in the first place, and both kidney problems and kidney treatments can be associated with weight gain. Kids with kidney disease also tend to be shorter than normal.
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Aside from my interest in kidney disease, I now have first-hand experience shopping for cocktail dresses that can cover a chemo port (or, these days, the resulting scar). At 50, I'm not that sensitive about scars but a teenager wouldn't be so nonchalant.
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It may have lost its local glamour over time, but it certainly had in 2003, when this was written: "The Maglev isn't about getting from point A to B in Pudong. Rather, it's the ride, a glorious glide, from the past to the future." Meanwhile, the ever-gullible voters of California--and, to a lesser degree, of the U.S. in general--look at China's spending on high-speed rail and want to have it too. And it's plenty expensive.
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But what about the Maglev to nowhere?
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Plan 59 is indeed a wonderful site. Here's an image that particularly illustrates what I'm talking about, because it uses a rocket to add glamour to the background of a car ad: The contemporary equivalent would be an ad showing the car driving past a wind farm like this photo from Tesla Motors:
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I'm one of those annoying people who insists on having the armrests down to preserve my personal space. On the other hand, I never lean back. Believe me, flying from L.A. to London with people leaning back into your lap is at least as uncomfortable and intrusive as being next to someone too fat for their seat. It's too bad that airlines can't offer slightly larger seats the way, say, United offers slightly more legroom for an added fee that's much less than upgrading to first class. You can only fit so many seats across and still leave room for the aisle, so it's not as incremental an adjustment to make. Maybe they could change a three-seat space to a two-seat space on one side of the aisle and still pack enough passengers in to make their revenue targets.
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It's a running joke that I never notice when my husband gets his hair cut. My excuse is that he's so much taller than I am that I can't really see his hair.
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The song is "Collide" by Howie Day. The YouTube page has links:
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No amount of advertising could convince me that wool wouldn't make me itch.
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I can see why you get compliments on that skirt.
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Virginia Postrel is now following CuratedObject
Aug 8, 2010
The contrast between sexy fantasy and bug-ridden reality reminds me of a friend's long-ago comment that in movie sex scenes, nobody ever says, "Oww, you're on my hair."
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