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Lily's Mom
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Global Pandemics have a way of reconnecting you to old favorite things, and spending time where it can make a positive impact on the world. This blog has brought so many wonderful people into our lives from all around the... Continue reading
This is Lily's second year of cello. As a 5th grader she is currently preparing for her upcoming winter concert. It's pretty amazing to see her listening to the notes, rhythms and melodies so carefully. She is now working on... Continue reading
Hi guys. I bet you've been waiting for this for a long time. Yes, I have started writing my blog (with some help from Mom and Dad of course). So guess what? We got a puppy. His name is Finley,... Continue reading
We think about Lily's hearing everyday, but life now seems pretty normal. Hearing doesn't limit Lily's activities or experiences. In fact, she seems to gravitate to all things talking, listening and music. I wanted to summarize Lily's activities and growth... Continue reading
We have loved Lily's AB Neptunes, but decided it was time to move to AB's Q90 Naida ear-level processors. Lily's experience and ease of change has been positive. Here are the Top 8 things we like about the AB Naida... Continue reading
Lily has been testing out the Phonak Pen for a month now. We're impressed! The primary objective in purchasing the pen was to try the omni-directional mic in the lunchroom for a better listening experience. Lily has always struggled in... Continue reading
When you dream about your child's future with CIs, singing in a musical doesn't seem possible. However, Lily just completed a short musical and dance show, with a circus theme, and she even had a solo. Lily sang one of... Continue reading
Lily discusses her new cello journey and plays jingle bells after a month of lessons at school. Never did I expect Lily to take on playing a stringed instrument. She takes great joy in making the music and being able... Continue reading
We love Marvel Entertainment and The Children's Hearing Institute's Super Hero Sapheara. She has bilateral pink CIs, a pink cape and boots, and a long pony tail. Her super power is the pink gem around her neck that offers a... Continue reading
The Children's Hearing Institute has announced another collaboration with Marvel Entertainment. Blue Ear and Sapheara, Super Hear-O's from the comic book Sound Effects (which was awesome!), are back in action again. CHI has released Scene 1: Rooftop Rescue (Click HERE... Continue reading
Two new research studies about potential future Advanced Bionics technology. Use of the Phantom Electrode strategy to improve bass frequency perception for music listening in cochlear implant users. Integrated Speech Processor Headpiece with patent approval Continue reading
Today is the start of fourth grade for Lily and another year of preschool for Bodie. Who would have ever imagined? Lily continues to achieve at very high levels and remains passionate about reading (and life!). She just finished the... Continue reading
I have long believed that implanting kids before 12 months of age was an important and necessary approach for optimizing long-term speech outcomes. Lily was implanted 7.8 years ago at the age of 10 months. We would have done it... Continue reading
Interesting study determining a Functional MRI May Predict Children’s Language Skills Post-Cochlear Implant. Researchers at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center found that elevated activity in two regions of the brain, evaluated with functional MRIs before implantation, may be biomarkers in... Continue reading
Lily just finished her semi-annual visit to the audiologist. We arrived with what turned out to be a broken headpiece, and fortunately, were able to order a new one for delivery the next day. The headpiece had been cutting in... Continue reading
Hearing First is an impressive new resource that presents the various aspects of a Listening and Spoken Language (LSL) approach. Through a variety of informational resources, families and professionals can use this site to learn about strategies used to... Continue reading
Lily's brother Bodie has just started his second semester of preschool. We selected a language-rich preschool run by a woman who was trained as a hearing resource teacher and who continues to serve kids with hearing loss. Of course Bodie... Continue reading
When a Zombie Walk was held in our town, Lily knew she had to be a part. Such a fun day for the kids to act like zombies and of course tons of new language opportunities. There are no real... Continue reading
Lily has long wanted to be an otolaryngologist, teacher, pediatrician, Cochlear Implant designer, Mom and a million other professions, when she grows up. However, a new profession, Forensic Scientist, has now entered the mix. Although Lily has no interest in... Continue reading
Always interesting to follow the latest research on the study of animal cell growth and how certain animals have regenerative abilities in regards to their hearing and hair cell regeneration. According to this article, Zebrafish may be the key to... Continue reading
Lily's just finished her second week of third grade. It's hard to believe. When she was born the days were so long. Now the days fly by and Lily is growing into a "pre-teen." She's continues to be at the... Continue reading
Three great hearing resources for families with kids with hearing loss. Jane Madell - A list of PDFs and videos on a variety of hearing related subjects. I especially like this video showing how to use an FM in the... Continue reading
A few months ago, Lily got to live out one of her bucket list dreams of being a flower girl for our friends' wedding. It was a beautiful night with an equally fantastic flower girl dress to match. Lily stayed... Continue reading
We recently went for Lily's six-month CI tune up with her audiologist. The two hour appointment goes quickly, however this time we were able to do some speech perception testing and examine what happens to Lily's listening abilities when she... Continue reading
Over the winter break Lily discovered and announced she wanted to break out her Advanced Bionics Harmony BTEs and wear them at home. We received the Harmonies when Lily was first implanted, but have never activated them, because Lily has... Continue reading