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Suli Shah
Recent Activity
A very fine practice Phillip, that should put other MPs (including Tories of course) to shame.
Britain's cheapest MP is a Tory - but how does he do it and is it healthy?
Philip Hollobone, who was elected as Conservative MP for Kettering in 2005 at his second attempt, revels in being the country's "cheapest MP" and is the subject of a profile published on the BBC website today. Last year his claim of less than £45,000 on taxpayer-funded allowances amounted to m...
Fully agree with you Lawrence.
A bail-out with no guarantee of success
State bail-outs used to be so black-and-white. In the past, the government of the day would hear pleas from a manufacturer for some “last resort” money that it needed to avoid bankruptcy. Ministers would then work out how many jobs would be lost if the company were to go bust, calculate the poli...
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