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Pennie Magee
I am a Third Culture Kid with a deep interest in how food connects us all.
Interests: Food, politics of food, local farms, organic gardening, medicinal plants, canning, traditional forms of food preservation.
Recent Activity
Pennie Magee is now following Frances Alford
Jan 7, 2012
What does plastic feel like? And is it a good thing?
Have you ever thought about how many times a day we touch plastic? Yesterday I started paying attention to the sensation of plastic as I held it, carried it, grasped it, stirred with it, scrubbed with it. A ziploc bag... Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2011 at Sharing the Food
No, we can't avoid it. Already I've realized that plastic is way more pervasive in my life than I thought it was.
Happy Imbolc, everyone! In the Celtic calendar,...
Happy Imbolc, everyone! In the Celtic calendar, Imbolc (which was yesterday) brings the promise of spring and new beginnings. Today is the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Hare. We also honor our favorite groundhog today, although here in Boulder we know him as "Flatiron Freddy". In the spirit ...
Happy Imbolc, everyone! In the Celtic calendar,...
Happy Imbolc, everyone! In the Celtic calendar, Imbolc (which was yesterday) brings the promise of spring and new beginnings. Today is the Chinese New Year, the Year of the Hare. We also honor our favorite groundhog today, although here in... Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2011 at Sharing the Food
Pennie Magee is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Vococreative - Now go out and get yourself some delicious tropical fruit....
Warming up with tropical fruit
Every January I start to feel restless. Even though here in Colorado the real snow doesn't come until March and April, I still feel closed in. I have to wear shoes and socks, long sleeves and fleeces to keep warm. And to me, this feels just, well, wrong. There is a good explanation for this feel...
Hmm, Judy, that wouldnt be a hint, would it? (smiling) I think we can arrange for a taste for members of the family....
Warming up with tropical fruit
Every January I start to feel restless. Even though here in Colorado the real snow doesn't come until March and April, I still feel closed in. I have to wear shoes and socks, long sleeves and fleeces to keep warm. And to me, this feels just, well, wrong. There is a good explanation for this feel...
Thanks, Jen! I hadnt thought about it until just now, but in essence I included a mini book review here, didnt I?
Warming up with tropical fruit
Every January I start to feel restless. Even though here in Colorado the real snow doesn't come until March and April, I still feel closed in. I have to wear shoes and socks, long sleeves and fleeces to keep warm. And to me, this feels just, well, wrong. There is a good explanation for this feel...
Thanks for stopping by, Gail. I had a lot of fun writing this piece.
Warming up with tropical fruit
Every January I start to feel restless. Even though here in Colorado the real snow doesn't come until March and April, I still feel closed in. I have to wear shoes and socks, long sleeves and fleeces to keep warm. And to me, this feels just, well, wrong. There is a good explanation for this feel...
Thanks, Beth!
Warming up with tropical fruit
Every January I start to feel restless. Even though here in Colorado the real snow doesn't come until March and April, I still feel closed in. I have to wear shoes and socks, long sleeves and fleeces to keep warm. And to me, this feels just, well, wrong. There is a good explanation for this feel...
David -- there will be more this year for sure!
Warming up with tropical fruit
Every January I start to feel restless. Even though here in Colorado the real snow doesn't come until March and April, I still feel closed in. I have to wear shoes and socks, long sleeves and fleeces to keep warm. And to me, this feels just, well, wrong. There is a good explanation for this feel...
Claire, you are absolutely right. I have Eugenias book and will be blogging about some of the recipes I will make from her book. I like her small batch approach to canning. Its a lot more accessible than being faced with instructions for processing a bushel of something.
Warming up with tropical fruit
Every January I start to feel restless. Even though here in Colorado the real snow doesn't come until March and April, I still feel closed in. I have to wear shoes and socks, long sleeves and fleeces to keep warm. And to me, this feels just, well, wrong. There is a good explanation for this feel...
Dana, thanks for your words of encouragement!
Warming up with tropical fruit
Every January I start to feel restless. Even though here in Colorado the real snow doesn't come until March and April, I still feel closed in. I have to wear shoes and socks, long sleeves and fleeces to keep warm. And to me, this feels just, well, wrong. There is a good explanation for this feel...
Warming up with tropical fruit
On a dark Friday evening last week, I stood at my kitchen counter and peeled, chopped, and dreamed. The taste and feel of those slices of firm, sweet, mango flesh took me back to another place and time, where my 9-year old self sat comfortably on the branch of a mango tree with my feet swinging back and forth, freshly picked mango in hand. Continue reading
Posted Jan 26, 2010 at Sharing the Food
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