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Kathryn Merrow
The Pain Relief Coach
Interests: i love helping people feel better naturally!
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My goal is to help people get rid of their hand and wrist pain naturally, without surgery.
Is it Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Sometimes. But lots of times it's not and the symptoms in your hand and wrist can go away when you understand the causes and how to get rid of them naturally! Continue reading
Posted Feb 25, 2018 at Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Now
Ten Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Strategies For Office Workers & Typists
Here are ten great tips for office workers, typists and keyboardists to help prevent or eliminate pain in your carpal tunnel area: 1. Keep your elbows as comfortably close to your waist as possible when you are working at a... Continue reading
Posted Aug 18, 2012 at Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Now
What Are The Best Stretches To Get Rid Of Carpal Tunnel Pain?
What are the best stretches to get rid of carpal tunnel pain or pain in your hands from repetitive movements? First off, think about the movements that you do the most. What do you do with your arms and hands... Continue reading
Posted Aug 12, 2012 at Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Now
Get Rid Of Carpal Tunnel Pain Naturally
Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Interviews: Here are the links to a series of 4 interviews that I did with a Natural Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Expert. Each audio replay is only about 1/2 hour and loaded with very helpful information.... Continue reading
Posted Aug 3, 2012 at Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Now
What Is The Best Type Of Massage For Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief?
What's the best type of massage for carpal tunnel pain? Oh, you didn't know there are different types of massage? There surely are! Massage techniques range all the way from extremely light to very deep. Techniques used depend on the... Continue reading
Posted Jul 31, 2012 at Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Now
What Do Experts Say About Massage Therapy For Carpal Tunnel Pain?
What DO experts say about massage for carpal tunnel syndrome? Unfortunately, not much. Well, the alternative MD's often talk about the value of massage and well-trained massage therapists do because they can make a difference. But most conventional MD's don't... Continue reading
Posted Jun 14, 2012 at Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Now
Small Movements Can Cause Carpal Tunnel Pain
A nurse wrote to a carpal tunnel pain forum wondering why she has pain in her hand. She wondered if it is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Her doctors were confused by her symptoms. Well, most doctors don't know much about muscles... Continue reading
Posted Jun 10, 2012 at Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Now
Does Clenching Your Hands In Your Sleep Cause Carpal Tunnel Pain
It's amazing that we can do things as we sleep to hurt ourselves. If you sleep with your hands clenched tightly or your wrists all curled up it aggravates the muscles in your lower arm. That can cause hand pain.... Continue reading
Posted Jun 8, 2012 at Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Now
What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is caused by nerve compression in your wrist. Here's how it works: Nerves pass through the inside of your wrist between bones and ligaments (tough tissue.) If there is not enough space for the nerves and blood... Continue reading
Posted Jun 6, 2012 at Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Now
Vitamin B6 Deficiency Causes Carpal Tunnel Pain
Carpal tunnel symptoms can be caused by a food dye called FD&C Yellow # 5. Sometimes it's called just Yellow. There are lots of artificial food colors and this is one that has been shown to interfere with absorption of... Continue reading
Posted Jun 4, 2012 at Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Now
7 Simple Tips To Relieve Your Carpal Tunnel Pain Naturally
Would you like to get rid of your carpal tunnel pain? Your body operates on natural laws. If we violate these laws, we get pain. :-( But if we cooperate with the natural laws, we get out of pain. :-)... Continue reading
Posted May 23, 2012 at Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Now
Why Do Doctors Offer Carpal Tunnel Surgery?
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome means the nerves that pass through your wrist are being compressed. They are being squeezed because there is not enough space for them. That's why doctors offer surgery. They think it's a good idea to create a... Continue reading
Posted May 22, 2012 at Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Now
Natural Relief For Pain In Your Middle Finger
Do you have pain in your middle finger? As usual, our friendly friends the muscles are to blame. Here's how you can get rid of your middle finger pain. Try this: 1. Explore the muscles on the palm side and... Continue reading
Posted Oct 15, 2011 at Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Now
The Real Causes of Carpal Tunnel Symptoms - Video
I really like the massage therapist who made this video. Why? Because she believes the same things that I do about the causes of carpal tunnel symptoms. That's why I think she is brilliant! :-) So what IS the most... Continue reading
Posted Oct 11, 2011 at Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Now
Pain In Your Ring Finger And Pinky Finger
Do you have pain in the ring finger and baby finger on the palm side of your hand? Here are two possibilities: #1: Your latissimus muscle. This is the muscle that 'pops' out to the side of the back when... Continue reading
Posted Oct 7, 2011 at Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Now
Carpal Tunnel Videos
There are several videos about carpal tunnel here that can help your hands and wrists feel better. Just go over to the Categories list on the right hand side of this page. Scroll down through the Categories to Videos, way... Continue reading
Posted Apr 28, 2011 at Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Now
Five Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Tips for Typists and Keyboarders
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Are you a keyboarder? Here are five tips to help your wrist, hand and arm feel better. (And your whole body!) 1. Take lots of stretch breaks. When you stretch your hands, arms and body, do your... Continue reading
Posted Jan 7, 2011 at Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Now
Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Tips For Typists
Do you have wrist, hand and arm pain from typing? Here's how to make your computer fit YOU. We are all built differently and have different needs. Some people have longer arms or short upper arms. We have longer torsos... Continue reading
Posted Jan 6, 2011 at Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Now
How Does Massage Help Carpal Tunnel Pain
Massage therapy can be a great way to get rid of symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Or not. It all depends on the skill and education and understanding of the massage therapist. Some understand bodies. Some don't. Some will simply... Continue reading
Posted Jan 4, 2011 at Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Now
What Causes Pain At The Base Of Your Thumb
Do you have pain at the base of your thumb? If you ask your doctor it, he or she will probably diagnosis it as "arthritis" or maybe even carpal tunnel syndrome. But here's something interesting. If any one of us... Continue reading
Posted Dec 31, 2010 at Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Now
How To Stretch The Short Muscles In Your Chest That Cause Carpal Tunnel Pain
If you have carpal tunnel pain, there's a great chance that the muscles in your chest and the front of your arms need to be stretched. So we're going to talk about a couple of simple ways to stretch the... Continue reading
Posted Dec 16, 2010 at Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Now
What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome And Is Surgery The Best Answer
What exactly is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and is surgery the best answer? Here's the lowdown: The Carpal Tunnel is a passageway in your wrist formed by eight carpal bones, the transverse carpal ligament, nine flexor tendons, blood vessels, and the... Continue reading
Posted Dec 5, 2010 at Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Now
Should You Wear A Wrist Splint After Carpal Tunnel Surgery
Is it best to use a splint after your Carpal Tunnel Surgical Release? Today's guest author Dr. Noel Henley explains why not: (And please be sure to read the rest of my comments after the end of his article so... Continue reading
Posted Oct 11, 2010 at Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Now
Do Ganglion Cysts Cause Pain In Your Wrist - What Is The Cure For Ganglion Cysts
A ganglion cyst feels like a hard "ball" or marble under the skin on the back side of your wrist. They sometimes go away on their own. I had one years ago and it went away on its own. Some... Continue reading
Posted Oct 8, 2010 at Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Now
Tricking Your Mind To Help Your Hand Heal and Get Rid Of Hand Pain
Did you know that you can "trick" your injured hand into getting better? Here's a video from a real live magician, Patrick Albanese, and he's going to show you this neat rehabilitation trick. Continue reading
Posted Oct 6, 2010 at Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief Now
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