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Ellen R. Norman
I live in the beautiful San Tan Valley of Arizona. A country community 25 minutes from Phoenix.
Ellen is your Coaching and Mentoring authority. Assisting business people in breaking the glass ceiling that stops them from achieving their goals.e
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Ellen R. Norman would like to connect on LinkedIn. How would you like to respond? Ellen R. Norman We care and serve both the professional and the family caregivers. Confirm you know Ellen R. "Blog, I'd like to add you... Continue reading
Ellen R. Norman would like to connect on LinkedIn. How would you like to respond? Ellen R. Norman We care and serve both the professional and the family caregivers. Confirm you know Ellen R. "Blog, I'd like to add you... Continue reading
Ellen R. Norman would like to stay in touch on LinkedIn. Ellen R. Norman We care and serve both the professional and the family caregivers. Phoenix, Arizona Area Hi Blog, I'd like to add you to my professional network on... Continue reading
The importance of reducing stress is to enhance your life’s Purpose. Reducing your stress levels allows you to live a fuller life and celebrate that life completely. Is this one of your purposes? Your love life and your ability to... Continue reading
The key steps to reducing the stress of overwhelm are simple yet profound. We all are given projects that are daunting and overwhelming at the beginning. Some of us, create the projects our selves and we have more control over... Continue reading
Savoring an Old-Fashioned Pleasure can reduce stress and increase your creativity. Citrus fruits are a pleasure that is good for your mind as well as your body. Squeeze some oranges or grapefruits, now that they are plentiful, using an old-fashioned... Continue reading
What to do or say when someone you know dies sharing is caring. This is a very real problem for most of us. We feel just as lost as the survivor of the dead loved one. We are lost for... Continue reading
Positive choices- You can choose not to be sad. It may take a little self understanding and feeling your inner feelings, but it is doable. Our feelings are our compass and our barometer. They guide our directions in life and... Continue reading
Give away your frustration and receive a healthier body and calmer mind. Is much easier then you may think. You are always putting yourself into situations that could make you angry and frustrated. The very next time you are angry... Continue reading
We tend to be capable of big, noticeable changes. These changes although sometimes difficult are well planned and thought out. Some examples are marriage or divorce, buying a home, changing jobs or careers to name s few. However, the extremely... Continue reading
I believe that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Some people feel comfortable with religious rituals, some people do not. Whatever form of spiritual activity you prefer I suggest you start doing. Suggestion 1) Attend a religious service... Continue reading
3 easy ways to relieve your depressed or sad feelings that really work! I use these methods because I am a people watcher. The next time you are depressed or sad, do something to cheer some one up. 1) look... Continue reading
Memories Should be Savored like a Wonderful Meal, they are also non-fattening. Have you ever considered memories as gourmet meals? Those times you celebrated and thoroughly enjoyed yourself and life. Here is how to do the savoring! Find some nice... Continue reading
Respecting yourself starts with respecting an elder, here is a few easy steps to get the job done. We all need to take a better look at how we respect our selves. How are we as role models for our... Continue reading
Part 2 As you climb the ladder of success, you do not need to be in business to be successful. Your life is full of successes, Consciously reach down to bring others with you. These others can be friends, family... Continue reading
Part 1 As you climb the ladder of success, you do not need to be in business to be successful. Your life is full of successes, consciously reach down to bring others with you. These others can be friends, family... Continue reading
A day that is set aside to express love. Oh my, how sad, we have to schedule love expression. Hey, I know we are all busy but… Here is my valentine to all my friends and “loves”!! Let’s make love... Continue reading
Finding your purpose- Drive your self-happy, get away and find new things. Take a day trip on a Sunday afternoon. Drive with no destination in mind. Just drive until something catches your eyes. I have done this several times. This... Continue reading
Finding purpose in life- personal community involvement leads to networking and self –confidence. As most of us are rewriting our resumes, we look for new ideas and new roads to travel to increase our marketability. Joining a club or organization... Continue reading
Living life on purpose- eliminate one bad habit can make life a great deal better. You can start to live your life on purpose by making a serious and diligent effort to eliminate one bad habit in your life. I... Continue reading
By Developing your inquisitiveness and using your senses positively, you develop creativity. Why it is important to take time revisit the child with in yourself. When you actively change your perspective of the way you think and see the world... Continue reading
Celebrate Rose Week Feb 7th – 14th Do something very special!! We all love to be appreciated!! Here is a great way to appreciate a friend! Each day for the week of Feb 7th through Feb 14th, give a single... Continue reading
I know you are the type of person that is constantly busy from morning until night. You even think that sleeping is a waste of time or that you just cannot slow yourself down to rest. Do you think that... Continue reading
Self- Control means being tough on yourself but gentle on others this is sometimes not easy to do. In all aspects of your life, make it a challenge to learn to be tough on yourself but go gentle on others!... Continue reading
Feeling like a kid again- relieves tension and builds memories, this is not very hard to do. Remember when you were a kid and you had those awesome pillow fights with your brothers, sisters or best friends! Remember the laughter... Continue reading