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John U
San Francisco
A Quiet Moment Amongst Friends is curated by John U. He lives in San Francisco.
Interests: animals, current events, cartoons, colors, dinosaurs, time travel, jokes, tall tales, slow motion, claymation, and typography
Recent Activity
John U is now following Jude Killory
Aug 24, 2010
John U is now following Heather Henry Rawlins
Aug 2, 2010
John U added a favorite at 3 Ton Gallery
Mar 31, 2010
John U is now following theblackapple
Mar 22, 2010
John U is now following David Byrne
Mar 22, 2010
John U is now following meighan
Mar 22, 2010
John U is now following Marc Johns
Mar 22, 2010
John U is now following Account Deleted
Mar 22, 2010
Nice. I was also looking for a pack of ferocious rats that represented the lack of time available to flesh out an idea.
But maybe that's implied by all of the effort that it would take to slay the beasts.
Kingdom Of Style: Idea Killers
via so sad, so true
John U is now following Eric
Nov 20, 2009
John U added a favorite at hello typepad
Nov 20, 2009
John U added a favorite at hello typepad
Nov 20, 2009
John U is now following David Jacobs
May 8, 2009
Ok, I guess the main argument is about preserving the architecture, not nostalgia. Still, I don't think a Modernist 1954 cement and glass cube (that you can't use for much) is that important to non-architects.
Memorial Coliseum has been saved: Sam Adams has...
Memorial Coliseum has been saved: Sam Adams has told the Oregonian he plans to save Memorial Coliseum and put a baseball stadium in Lents. Not only that, but Adams' office says it plans to listen to the public on the redevelopment of the Rose Quarter, now. The city should complete the initial agr...
I'm late to this debate, but is it important to save Memorial Coliseum solely because it housed 5-6 years of amazing basketball? Can't the same be said for almost every old sports arena in any town?
I got my first high school job at the Coliseum slinging hot dogs and soda and I do not see it as a comfortable or well designed facility in any way. This is coming from the biggest Blazer fan I know who also saw an amazing REM concert there when I was 17.
Memorial Coliseum has been saved: Sam Adams has...
Memorial Coliseum has been saved: Sam Adams has told the Oregonian he plans to save Memorial Coliseum and put a baseball stadium in Lents. Not only that, but Adams' office says it plans to listen to the public on the redevelopment of the Rose Quarter, now. The city should complete the initial agr...
The Biggest Dog in the World
Recently I've become a little obsessed with finding photos of the largest dog in the world. Here's my favorite [1]: [1] Who is, by the way, not the largest dog in the world, but just a very large dog. He's no Hercules.
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